Right Now

Who I am, what I am, where I am.

Name: Gloria Elizabeth wouldn'tyouliketoknowmylastname?

Birthday: Every year.

Location: Vancouver, WA, USA (otherwise known as the Land of Misfit Toys)

Marital Status: Not quite yet.

What do I look like: That's what pictures are for. But here are the basics - two eyes, two ears, two heads, two feet, two arms, a nose, a mouth and a few naughty bits.

Um. . .ok. . .: I knew you'd say something like that.

And now for more intelligent questions and views (all else is in useless information.)

What is your quest?: To take over the world.

What will you major in when you attend college: Psychology - I like to see what makes us as strange as we are.

Are in a clique or have any sort of label? ("goth", "prep", "skater", etc.): Labels are for soupcans and cliques are the sounds that a keyboard makes.

Any conditions, diseases, illnesses?:(As of August)Besides being clnically insane - Here's my expierences so far with medicine.

What do my names mean?:
Name Origin Meaning
Gloria Latin Glory/Glory of God
Elizabeth Hebrew Oath of God

What do I sound like?: Click here to Hear Me Speak

How do I sing?: Click here to hear me sing. (Not responsible for any damage - I sound better in person from what I'm told)

  • "Leather"(Tori Amos)

    Who is Sheena, Queen of the Jungle? Sheena is my alter ego. When my friend Kurt found out I had slippers that resembled heads of leopards, he said something about being the Queen of the Jungle. I forgot who came up with Sheena.
    Anywho, Sheena, in terms of being different from me, is more brave and more willing to fight on short notice.

    What music do I like?:I'm sure you really wanna know this - basically anything. The List

    Totally Useless Information

    There isn't a whole lot of special things about me. Different, weird - any of these vocabulary words would be a better fit in describing me. I'm a ethnic mutt with bits and pieces of German, British, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, French, and Native American rolled into a blonde ball of hair and organs. I've lived in Vancouver since I was four with my Dad and brother. I go to hell school like a good teenager should and sometimes enjoy it. These are the days I get my nap in first period.

    I have a posse of somewhat strange and unique people, but I love them. Music and writing are my addictions in addition to Cooler Ranch. 2pac, Godsmack, Verticle Horizon, Tori Amos, Ace of Base and P.O.D. are many of the artists I listen to. Dave Barry is God and God is my friend. I have a bookshelf that is only outwieghed by my CD collection and computer. Sarcasm is my weapon, but cynics annoy me sometimes. One of my ex-boyfriends is a vampyre and my parents are free-spirited (thus making them my friends).

    I'm not sure whether I'm part loner or just part lonely - but I am not the most social person. I believe in dragons and wish to have one instead of a car because they make rush hour much easier to pass through. I have more than one best friend. She has hears voices too.

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    Copyrighted 1998-forever by Gloria