Links Page
Buffy Links
- UPN's Buffy Web Page
- UPN's official site for the show. Information on the upcoming episodes, polls and some other interesting stuff.
- Sonya's List of Links
- When I first started my reviews archive, I though I'd have a cool list of all the best Buffy links around. However, Sonya beat me to it with a comprhensive list of all of the many sites devoted to Buffy. And rather than just double her great work, I am pointing you in her direction. Enjoy her page and don't forget to sign her guestbook!
Non-Buffy stuff I've Written
- Lois and Clark Reviews Archive
- If you're wondering where you might have seen my unique point of view before, you might have been a fan of Lois and Clark and subsribed to the L&C listserv. I started reviewing episodes in the second season and continued forward after that. Unfortunately, I wasn't as organized as I should have been or had as much HTML experience so some of them are lost. But, I've collected together all the ones I could lay my hands and archived them here. The theory is that some day I will go back and fill in all the gaps. But, I am quite proud of these reviews, so you might want to surf over and take a look.
- Doctor Who Reviews Archive: By Fans, For Fans
- Before it was killed off by the BBC, Doctor Who ran for 26 seasons, producing 154 stories and a gazillion episodes. It is one of the best sci-fi shows around even if the effects are kind of cheezy. But, I love it. This page is run by Dan Callahan and allows fans to submit reviews of the stories and novels. I have submitted a large number of reviews here and recently took on responsibilites as the editor for a line of ficiton known as the Missing Adventures.
- Michael's Clips Page
- I got my degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (Go Big Orange!) Collected here is a selection of some of the articles I wrote on various internships and working for the student newspaper, The Daily Beacon.. These are a bit more objective than my reviews of various shows, but I am proud of all of the writing that is done here. As with all things, it's under construction. In future, I plan to also post some short stories I wrote in my fiction writing class as well as some other clips.

Other Web Pages I Maintain
- My web page
- My own little corner of the Internet.
- The Bearden Young Singles Web Page
- If you want to find who I am and what some of my friends are like, this is the place to go. This is the web site for our church's college and career age group (we call ourselves the Young Singles for short!) and it's a lot of fun to visit. You can see pictures of us, read about our adventures together, and find out what we're up to.
- The Bearden United Methodist Church Web Page
- I'd be a collassal egotist if I took credit for this page since it's been a team effort to get up and running. However, I do work on it, updating the newsletter and building various pages as needed. A small page but rapidly growing.
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