Quotes All About Leo, From His Family, Friends, and People He has Worked With

"We think he's actually an alien, wired a diffrent way than us. There's something going on in him that we just dont understand"-Leo's Daddy (George)

"Outside the house he may be famous, but inside he's just Leo the jerk, like us"-Friend Jonah Johnson

"Working with Leo (on Titanic)was like having a little brother on the set. It got pretty silly. We were into hallway bowling."-Billy Zane

"I spent 4 mounths with him and still couldn't figure him out,I still cant figure out weather he's really transparent or incredibly complex. I think hes the latter, but I dont know"-Clair Danes

"Leo's cheap, I feel funny saying that, but I've said it to him. But he'll look for a place in the street to park rather than use valet parking"-Leo's buddy, Ethan Suplee

"Leo's no pussy, but he dosent have a death wish either"-Friend Jonah, about Leo's love for skydiving and bungee jumping.

"He can quickly charm a group of people without doing anything obvious"-James Camron **** this page is being worked on so please come back soon 4 more quotes on leo****