My Home Page

Surabufix (aka Fixy)

February 1977-March 2004

"Some horses come into our lives and make hoofprints on our hearts and we are never, never the same" ~Anonymous
A friend sent me that and I wish to thank her. This is so true. Fixy was that type of horse. He was
was a champion show horse, had the most personality in a horse one could find and the best friend a girl could have. He was part of our family for over 22 years. We'll all miss him terribly. I honor the time that I spent with him in my life.

Welcome to my world! I have many interests and you'll find many of them on my pages.


California Greens - This is truly the progressive party for those who want change. Read the 10 Key Values

Kevin Smith Page - RIP Kevin Smith March 1963 - February 2002

Timothy Omundson Online - Tim's played Eli on Xena and many other roles on TV.

Axis of Justice - GO HERE NOW! The Future is Unwritten

Broadway Tribute Page - Speaks for itself! I love musicals (and opera but more to come on this)

My Menagerie - See my horses (Fixy, from whom I take my screen name is Arabian) and cat :)

The Unofficial Marton Csokas Page - Another talented NZ actor who portrays Borias on Xena. He's been signed to do Lord of the Rings and Star Wars Episode II

System of a Down - My favorite band. Their music is complex, multi-layered music combined with incredible melodies and lyrics. But they've also got a powerful message, if you are willing to hear it.

Dennis Storhoi's Official Fan Club - Another great actor (and super sweet guy) from 13th Warrior!

If you love great music, check out Devon at . She's a great artist! Watch her, she'll soon be at the top!


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


One of my dearest friends has had her first novel published. It's called Allison

Allison by Kimberly Nickmann

I highly recommend this book. It is a mystery/thriller/romance all rolled into one! For more information click on the book!

Click on the horse to send me an email


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Page ©2000-2004 Surabufix