My Home Page
Surabufix (aka Fixy)
February 1977-March 2004
"Some horses come into our lives and make hoofprints on our hearts and we are never, never the same" ~Anonymous
A friend sent me that and I wish to thank her. This is so true. Fixy was that type of horse. He was was a champion show horse, had the most personality in a horse one could find and the best friend a girl could have. He was part of our family for over 22 years. We'll all miss him terribly. I honor the time that I spent with him in my life.
Welcome to my world! I have many interests and you'll find many of them on my pages.
California Greens - This is truly the progressive party for those who want change. Read the 10 Key Values
Kevin Smith Page - RIP Kevin Smith March 1963 - February 2002
Timothy Omundson Online - Tim's played Eli on Xena and many other roles on TV.
Axis of Justice - GO HERE NOW! The Future is Unwritten
Broadway Tribute Page - Speaks for itself! I love musicals (and opera but more to come on this)
My Menagerie - See my horses (Fixy, from whom I take my screen name is Arabian) and cat :)
The Unofficial Marton Csokas Page - Another talented NZ actor who portrays Borias on Xena. He's been signed to do Lord of the Rings and Star Wars Episode II
System of a Down - My favorite band. Their music is complex, multi-layered music combined with incredible melodies and lyrics. But they've also got a powerful message, if you are willing to hear it.
Dennis Storhoi's Official Fan Club - Another great actor (and super sweet guy) from 13th Warrior!
If you love great music, check out Devon at . She's a great artist! Watch her, she'll soon be at the top!
One of my dearest friends has had her first novel published. It's called Allison
I highly recommend this book. It is a mystery/thriller/romance all rolled into one! For more information click on the book!
Click on the horse to send me an emailPurchase books, Music, Videos and more up to 40% off at!
Thanks for visiting!!
Page ©2000-2004 Surabufix