Last Updated on 3/21/02
On a hot July day in 1986, a man who we will call Bob was attending a Texas Ranger baseball game with his infant son in Arlington, TX.  While, going to the consession stand the man and his son were approached by a tall black man who referred to himself simply as "Rippen".  This mysterious figure was described as dressed in a black suit, bald, overweight, and wearing an ernormously large red baseball glove on his left hand.  The man mubbled something in broken English to Bob about "running over his neighbor".  Frightened, Bob stepped away from the man and turned to find a member of ballpark secruity.  It was at this time that the man grabbed Bob's infant son and took off running.  Bob yelled and chased after the man attracting the attention of several security officers.   Eventually, they all chased the man into a locked public restroom stall.  The officers called for the man to come out, and when he didn't, they kicked open the door.  Bob and the secrity guards stared in silence, as the stall was empty except for the blanket the baby was wrapped in and a cryptic message wriiten in glove oil on the stall door.  The message simply read, "RIPPEN THE RUBEN".   This man and Bob's son were never seen again.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident simlar tales of a mysterious man called, "Rippen" have been reported in all 50 U.S. states and numerous Carribean countries. He has been linked to kidnapping, rape, murder, drug dealing, and arms dealing. While law enforcement agencies from the F.B.I. to the Canadian Mounties to Big Town Mall security forces have tried to solve these crimes, so far they have been unsuccessful.  However, through carefully research and interviewing witnesses, law enforcement officers, and others involved  keep coming up with one name, major league baseball player....RUBEN SIERRA.

This site is dedicated to revealing for the first time, the the truth behind these crimes and countless others perpetuated by Mr. Sierra.  It is my hope that you will read the evidence I have compiled about Mr. Sierra and see that there is no doubt about his guilt.  It is my sincere desire that this website will encourage you to join me in writing to congresman, the FBI, or Bud Selig demanding we deport Mr. Sierra back to the slime ridden hole from which he was spawned in.

However, I must warn all of you that the information provided on this site is not all wholesome.  Do to the vile nature of Mr. Sierra's activities, some material may not be apporopriate for young children
"....Rippen the Ruben, Rippen the Ruben, I ran over my neighbor." Words from the chorus of an old Haitian folk song sung to children to warn them of an unknown boogie man who hides in the shadows
"I can say with all honesty, that  Mr. Sierra is the most evil person I have ever met."   Charles Manson
I would like to encourage anyone who has evidence, whether it be a picture or a story regarding Ruben Sierra to submit it to this website.  We are adding evidence all the time and all evidence submitted will be published.  Click on the submit link belew to get my email so that you can add your piece to the Rippen puzzle.
"I actually saw him remove Charlie Hough's prostrate and hit it out of Tiger Stadium left-handed."   Pete O'Brien, former team mate of Sierra's
"He ate Toby Harrah!"
Bobby Valentine, former manager of the Texas Rangers now with the Mets.
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