Welcome to the Alternate Universe
Of Steve Cross, Science Fiction Author

Welcome! My name is Steve Cross. I'm not a professional writer, but I DO write. This web page is devoted to publicizing my writing. There are two main works on this web page: (1) My self-published science-fiction novel Discarded Faces, a story set in a tragic era in the future of mankind, but with a hopeful ending; (2) My Tiffany's World fanfics, a series of fanfics based on the ex-Fashion Club characters from MTV's Daria cartoon show. You can link to both by the button bar provided below.

For those of you who have tried to email me since mid-September 2003, and gotten an "undeliverable" reply, I wish to apologize, and let you know that the email problem is now fixed! You can start emailing me again.

If you came here looking for information about the actress Sandra Bullock, I hate to disappoint you, but this is NOT a Sandra Bullock fan web page. It has not had any Sandra Bullock content since early 2002. I know that I still get hits from the links-page of a Sandra Bullock website. I have written that link more than once to request them to please remove the link to this page, but they have not complied. This issue is now out of my hands.

synopsis of the book buy ***Discarded Faces*** online fifth earth history
map of Danallo features of Danallian language links of interest
strongly recommended for DARIA fans author bio email steve

This Geocities Homestead was last updated on October 25, 2003.

Copyright (c) 2003 Steve Cross. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any written material on these web pages in any manner or medium without written permission of Steve Cross, SCROSS3@nc.rr.com. This copyright notice does not apply to the Tiffany's World fanfics and related materials on tiffw-intro.html, which have their own legal disclaimer.