1. When Cal slaps Rose, you throw ice cubes from your drink at the screen.
2. When you don't see Titanic because you would rather be flying with Jack.
3. When you go to the bathroom at the theater and pretend you're Rose looking for Jack when in the skinny, narrow movie theater hall way.
4. You scream directions to Rose when she is looking for Jack.
5. You get kicked out of the theater for quoting the lines to loud.
6. You tell the ticket person, "Will the seats be aranged acording to class? Hope they're not too crowded!"
7. You leave the room whenever Jack and Rose kiss cuz you are just too jelous.
8. Everytime Cal comes on the screen, you say "you unimaginalbe bastard!"
9. The ticket collector comes to you during the film and tells you to calm down when Jack dies.
10. When you scream at Rose for dropping the heart of the ocean
11. You get Titanic posters and while hanging them up you say, "We need a little color in this room."
12. You hang pictures of Leo/Kate over your bed so they're the 1st and last thing you see all day.
13. You play My Heart Will Go On while you are sleeping so you cannot forget a verse.
14. You call up the local radio station and threaten them to play my heart will go on.
15. You give out death threats to your friends who say they're over Titanic.
16. During the 4th of July, you cry every time you see a firework that looks like the ones used in the movie.
17. You take cruises and you and your boy/girl friend recreate the scenes.
18. When you're mother tells you that you can't see your boyfriend for a time, you recreate the dressing scene.
19. You have little crosses set up in your yard that say "In memory of Jack Dawson"
20. You are actually reading this page
21. When you are asked dircetions, you say, hardtoport and hard to starboard.
22. You scream Woman and children only! In a line full of men.
23. You just burst into tears when you see Dawson standing in the dingi on a comercial for Dawsons Creek because it reminds you of Jack and the lifeboat that came to late.
24. You scream at Rose for not giving Jack the LifeJacket
25. When at the movie theater, you ask to not have ice cubes because it brings back memories.
26. If you liked top-bunks, you sleep on the bottom bunk because that's what Jack did.
27. You cry whenever you see a ship. 28. You throw matches across the table at your friend at a fancy resturant.
29. You walk into resturants and say to you boyfriend: That's JJ Astor, the richest man on the ship, ect. And point to people you don't even know.
30. You say to the waiter, "No caviar for me. Never did like it much"
31. You look for paintings like the ones in Rose's sitting room.
32. You yell "why aren't they turning?" in a traffic jam.
33. You scream "Ice burg, right ahead!" on cruise lines over and over again.
34. You get out on the dance floor at a formal dance and start dancing the way Jack was.
35. You insist on being called Rose/Jack.
36. You don't talk to anybody nicknamed Cal.
37. You scream at passing cars: ICE BURG, RIGHT AHEAD!
38. When you are asked what your name is, you say "Dawson, Rose Dawson". 39. You call up ocean liners and ask if they have found the heart of the ocean yet.
40. You listen to the hanson MV cuz of the titanic clips.
41. You go to church only in hopes to hear the song played on Sunday on Titanic.
42. You order Lamb every where you go, rare, with very little mint sort.
43. When the theater is crowded, you pull the fire alarm hoping someone will get up so u can get it.
44. You dont watch ne other Leo movies because he isnt Jack. (no offence leo!)
45. You run through a parking lot screaming "Jack, I'm flying, I'm flying!"
46. When asked your name you say, "Dawson, Rose Dawson"
47. You tell the waiter, "I'm Jack Dawson." and you or your friend say "Rose DeWitt Bukater, need me to write that one down?"
48. You see a heart shaped blue gem and say, "Cal it's overwhelming"
49. You go to the beach and yell at the lifeguard who happens to be in charge of the life boats and yell at them for not saving Jack.
50. When in the ocean, you pretend to drown and yell "Return the boats!"
51. You roll down your sunroof in your car and scream IM FLAYING JACK! 52. You know how many times Jack says rose (51)- I found this fact on my own.