Made by Horror-movie Productions

Like all Scream Trilogy sites we have "Spoilers", but not all around the site. The places where they are, we believe, is obvious.

Hello, and welcome to the Randy Meeks's Scream Trilogy Page. Randy die(a moment of silence please), so after death he got trapped down here on Earth.(For the full story go to Randy's Story down below) So after he found undead really boring and decide to collaborate with me this web page. Not the most exciting thing in the world he says, but I think he likes it more than he says. In some places, I'm talking in places he is. We didn't make it noticeable, but that's the why he wanted it. So look around and enjoy.

Don't answer the phone.
Don't open the door.
Don't try to hide.
And whatever you do, don't SCREAM.

News and Randy's diary




Randy's Story


Credits and Thanks


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This page is in no way affiliated with the cast, the crew, or parties in involved in the making or distribution of Scream, Scream 2, or Scream 3. If anything on this page is infringing on any copyrights please e-mail and I remove it from my site. Thank you.You are the to come here since June 23, 1998.