Laurie - 09/30/00 03:25:24
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Daivd Cassidy
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: Stars Of Yester-year
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: SEAN MURRAY!!!!!! (Binx in Hocuc Pocus)
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 14 and a half
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: Yes..... kinda... okay, not really....
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: Organize it a bit better and add stuff of SEAN MURRAY!!!!
Great site, over-all! Nicely done!
- 03/16/00 19:30:23
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Brandon Lee
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: Stars of Yester-year
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: O)+> (Prince)
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 20/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: Yes
I really enjoyed your Brandon Lee site.
Rachel - 01/05/00 06:19:04
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Omri Katz
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 19/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yup
- 01/03/00 06:00:52
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Brandon Lee
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Carson Daly
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 20/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes I did. Thank You
*Nicole - 11/26/99 19:18:26
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Sasha Mitchell
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: singers
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 16/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: more guys, and more pics
this is a great site! a lot of work has been put into it and it shows! there is a wide range of celebrities in here which makes it a interest to a variety of different people. good job!
Winifred Sanderson - 08/04/99 03:53:50
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Omri Katz & David Duchovny
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: all
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Sean Murray
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
Nice Site! It turns out that your site was actually one of the sites that inspired me to create Hocus Pocus online! Keep up the good work and display your award with pride! 8-)
- 07/30/99 19:34:09
Aleksa - 03/12/99 10:44:17
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: no
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: Singers
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Marilyn Manson
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 17/f
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: Very funny
I know some people hate him... but i like him.
This site is very funny and I like Sasha Mitchell... Thanks...
Snookums - 12/27/98 07:18:17
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Alan Jackson
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: Singing idols
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Robert Redford
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: never ask a lady over 40 her age!
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: works well, exzcept for those darn pop-up screens
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: Just keep adding those heart-throbs!
Hi Endora - See, I found your web site! For my next trick, I'll fill out some of the spaces. Why isn't there a pitcha of you here? I need a vision to populate my fantasies.
Love - Arta
- 12/05/98 06:46:31
My URL:http://wyndsong/wyndsong
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: David Cassidy
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: John Taylor (i'm from the 80s)
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 27/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yeppers
Just had to see what this site was about, same name and all ;) from one Wyndsong to another Windsong!!
10/25/98 11:09:17
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Omen Gower - 09/04/98 04:07:33
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Bjorn Andresen
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: Stars of yester-year
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Leonardo Di Caprio
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: M/26
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: No
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: Does not work well for AOL users.
The site is great but needs to be AOL friendly.
Faline - 08/31/98 05:01:14
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: David Duchovney
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: idols of today
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Matthew McConaughey, Kevin sorbo
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: ?/f
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
I think you're site is Fantastic!!! I'm looking forward to seeing updates. You're page looks good very easy to get around. All the colors look real good. Let me know when you update.
Packard Bell - 08/30/98 17:12:28
My URL:/Athens/1714/index.htm
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: ? don't really have a fave. :)
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: modles, i love pics. :)
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Red Skelton (WEG)
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 21/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: stripers? (LOL)
looks killer, sweetestness. i'll call ya. :)
adoni apolloni - 08/29/98 15:52:47
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: david cassidy
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: singers
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: patrick stewart
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: M/35
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: yes
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: add me to it
testing testing, hi there, hi Mom, hi apple pie, hi baseball, hi America!!!!!
Endora Aphrattos - 08/27/98 20:18:21
Who is your favorite Idol that is ON IHI?: Jon Erik Hexxum; Omri Katz; Sasha Mitchell for now.
Which IHI section do you like best (I.E>: Dancers, Singers, Stars of Yester-year, etc.,)?: I like them all, but I may be biased
Who is your favorite idol currently NOT on IHI?: Mattew Broderick/Leonardo Di Caprio.
What is your age and sex (I.E.:21/M; 44/F; Etc.,) ?: 33/F
Do you find the site easy to navigate?: Simple.
How can IHI be improved; additional comments?: In MANY ways yet.
I had to test this thing out. And plus it gives you a bit of info on me. Enjoy!