LAST UPDATE June 9, 1998

Happy Scream 2 Day...I updated my trivia for this special occation of Scream 2 being out on video..I also updated the hard trivia as well..Dont forget to PLEASE!!!! sing the guestbook..

Just added new chat room, a new trivia section (included in the other trivia page), New and Soon to be Released has been updated, I have a new banner won another award and now this site gives out it's own award (see award page for details). Check out my new additions and let me know what you think.

Welcome once again to Syd's Haunts my little place on the web dedicated to the horror genre!!!!!Step inside and take a look at what I have to offer in horror, the supernatural and much more...Please sign the guestbook and let me know you where here or drop me a line.....

Step inside for a horrific good time...

Apply for my award and check out ones this site has won!!!!!

Rock Mall's
Trivia Challange


Come on in and look at the webrings I belong to!!!

AAA Matilda United States

Vote For This Website!

To make a link to me use either of the banners below...both are animated and very cool...if not using a text link is just fine....I would personally like to thankbconstruct for designing the awesome banners for me.....

since i have updated on April 1, 1998

DISCLOSER.....I am in no way related to or affiliated with Mirimax, Dimmension, Paramont, MGM, or any of the other film corporations that I relay information about....All pictures are copywriten by their perspective onwers...This site is for entertainment purposes only....