
Elijah Wood-Leo Biederman
Tea Leoni-Jenny Lerner
Robert Duvall-Fish Tanner
Morgan Freeman-President Beck
Vanessa Redgrave-Robin Lerner

I don't care what anyone says, this is by far the worst comet movie of the year. Unlike Aramgeddon, who's only attempt was to entertain, this pretentious and boring excuse for a movie seems to want to make us have other emotions then just "wow", which I have no problem with by the way. I only have a problem with it when it fails as miserably as it does here. Are we honestly supposed to care about a poor little teenager,a poor little news reporter, or all of the other unlikely good looking people saving the world (not a job for ugly people, good heavans no!). It would have helped greatly if they had included at least one likeable character in there. Sure, the president is an insteresting character for the minute amount of screentime he has. But this is because of the ingenius acting skills of Morgan Freeman.

We start with the ususal old pre-big disaster is revealed scene that exists in most of these grade-z disaster movies. Here we have two seperate guys discover a comet heading twoard Earth. One is a high school student, and the other is a famed astronomer. Of course one doesn't realize where the comet is heading and the other dies in a car accident on the way to go inform the world. Cut to one year in the future, where a reporter is covering a juicy story about an ex-congresman who is now packing up and leaving the country, leaving civilzation really. She goes to ask why, and he won't tell her. When she persists, he simply dismises her with "I know you're just a reporter, but you used to be a human being, right?". So, naturally, she doesn't get the story then. But she does get quite a scopp when she's pulled over by what we belive to be secret agents and taken to a remote loction where whe meets, of all people, the president. She is informed of the comet coming to Earth, dubbed E.L.E. for Extenction Level Event. We then go to some more scenes with a world-weary astronaut and his crew of youngins who are going out into space to plant a nuclear weapon into the thing and blow it to high hell. The only thing we get out of this are cool special effects, and a bad excuse to have Robert Duvall read a bedtime story to Ron Elard. We also get to see the young man who found the comet (yep, he lived). He is, of course, now famous for having discovered an end for all humanity. The only thing this part is good for is providing one of the movie's few funy lines: "Hey Leo, now that you're famous you'll be getting more sex" "really?". I'll admit it, I was midly amused.

But still, this movie ranks among the year's worst simply because it tries too hard. It spends too much time thinking it's a touching, yet thrilling film to ever realize that's it full of itself. The only way this grade-z fare is gonna earn money is if the 14 years girls decide to skip their 15th viewing of Titanic (which was a really good disaster movie, lest we forget) and go check this one out. But I don't advise it.

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