I am the second coming of Roger Ebert

- We're both fat.
- We both to go to movies and hate them.
- We both think Jim Carrey is brilliant.
- We both had our first true understanding of film at an Orson Welles film (Citizen Kane for me, The Third Man for him").
- We both grew up in Champaighn IL.
- We're both respected film Critics(Who exactly we're respected by, is beyond me).
- We're both butt ugly.(see photos above).
Yes me and Roger Ebert both have striking similarities. And when he comes to native hometown of Champaighn to have his first film festival, I shall be there reporting on it for you fine people my readers (do you ever get the feeling that I believe I'm a lot more popular than I actually am). At that little film festival I hope to actually have a chance to see him, and talk to him.
And to all of you anti-Ebert guys out there, (you know who you are!)I have one statment for you: So what if's he fat and old, HE'S COOL DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am probaly the only 14 year old Roger Ebert groupie. I know it's strange, but it's true) So take to heart people, I am the second coming of Roger Ebert. Know I just need an old and bald sidekick and I'm set.(boy, so I use a lot of parentheses).
Tel me how much you hate me! Tell me how much you hate Ebert. Tell me about how you want to be my bald sidekick. Death threats, marriage proposals, ect. The board room is where they go
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to wonder what the hell I'm talking about since January 16, 1999.
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