1.TITANIC-Many accused this movie of being over hyped. Many accused this movie of being sappy. Many accused this movie of having a dumb script, an egomanical director, and a way out of control budget. And in many ways, they where right. But Titanic is something taht very few films ever are: a true experience. To see that movie for the first time on the big screen in an experience you will never forget. Yes, it is very sappy. But in this age of cynicsm, isn't it refreshing to just see a good ol' fashioned love story.

2.BOOGIE NIGHTS-A porn epic. A really good porn epic. But one of the things that many people are confused about in regards to this film is that this a porn movie. No, pornography makes sex look wonderful. Here, they completely de-mistify sex. It is a buisness for these people. That's the true beauty of this movie. It shows us the realism of this world. And as it enters the 80's as porn gets more hard core, and much more nasty we see thsi people lose their jobs and tey have to fit back in with society. But they're not human beings any more, and now it is impossible to re-fit. Breath taking, shocking, even moving at some points. And if that wasn't enough it contains the greatest scene of 97. The monatoge where we see former stud Dirk Diggler having to resort to gay tricks and Jack Horner directing a horrificly unsexy video. Extremely unsettling, one of the most memorable movies in years. 3.CHASING AMY-Another love story, but this is the exact opposite of Titanic. Where that movie was an epic in every way, this is a defining small film. Made by the best young director alive (in my humble opinion) Kevin Smith. After the gut-bustingly funny Clerks he made the underated Mallrats. But this is his absolute best movie, and final proof that he is not only nore then a one hit wonder, but also a very mature film maker. In this movie he tells about a man who falls in love with a lesbian, wins her, then can't confront her past. Smith obviously tells a very personal story. And after we've seen these fully fleshed out human beings interact for an hour and a half we have a true oxymoron on our hands: the sweetest vulgar movie ever made.

4.L.A. CONFIDENTIAL-The screen is glowing with sleaze and corruption throughout the whole movie, and we're asked to sit down and enjoy it. That's a pretty good way to describe this movie, but in a way nothing I can say will give it justice. It's a crime story all right, and a good one at that. But what makes this a great movie is in the simple combination. Everything in this movie in the perfect place. The acting is great, the directing is great, the screenplay is great, the music is great, ect... It's rare to see a movie that comes together as well as this, and as the result we have the best contempary film noir in quite a while.

5.GROSSE POINTE BLANK-I'll admit it, I have a bias for hitman movies. Back in 1994 The Professioanl was anmed the best film of the year by me in my school newspaper. And this is'nt quite as good as that, but I still love this movie very much. So hip and witty it almost hurts. The gunfights are suprisingly good, but the bets part of the movie is the notion that even a professional killer is afraid of his high school reuinion.

6.THE SWEET HEREAFTER-Like a good poem. Beautifully told and heart shatteringly sad. It tells the story of a small town that must overcome the death of 14 children. But the real story is of a lwayer who comes to the town to try and get some money for the families and himself, but instead has to confront his own problems with his daughter, who is losing control of her life. Amd when the ultimate sin is commited, we don't hate these people. We understand them, and we understand their pain.

7.FACE/OFF-I also have a bias for John Woo. But that bias in pretty unsubstained because he hadn't made a truly great american movie until now. Broken Arrow was allright, and Hard Target was awful. But here he gets back to his roots, with funny characters, odd and complex plots, and the best shootouts in the biz. While still not as good as Hard Boiled or The Killer, it was better then any other cation movie released this year. And that merits a place on this list

8.AS GOOD AS IT GETS-Funny and romantic. Both together perfectly. Enough said.

9.JACKIE BROWN-I like Quentin Tarantino, I really like him. Earlier here I called Kevin Smith the best young film maker out there. I don't know how true that is. But in irony, Kevin Smith made his best movie this year, and Quentin Tarantino made his worst. But it's a testament to Tarantino's ability that even his worst movie is great. And unlike his previous movie, this one doesn't run on plot twists and odd techniques as it does on really interesting characters. A charcter study is waht this movie is, and what we get is pure pop culture gold. Also, I must point out that this isn't the first movie to explore the premise of aging blaxploation legends returning to their roots. That would be the highly underrated "Oringinal Gangstas".

10.GOOD WILL HUNTING-Speaking of Kevin Smith (as I do all too often), he's the guy who got this movie made. And think of the irony that after he talked the head of Miramax to make this movie, it won best original screenplay where Chasing Amy should have. But this was still a very good movie, and it showcased all the troubles of being a young man in love. Especially a young man with an extrordinary gift.