Angelfan's Buffy and Angel Home Page
Last up-dated May 17, 1999
Hi I'm Angelfan. I have a Buffy page on Tripod, but I've had a lot of people say they can't access it. And I have trouble sometimes.
So I started this one so those people can enjoy MY Buffy and Angel angle too.
This site was created on March 5, 1998.
Email me, if you have any suggestions or comments, at:
Sarah and David Signed my Guestbook. See it at entry #110
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These are MY other pages:
Laheara's Xena Home Page
Hear My ROAR
Deepwater 7's Mummies Alive Page
Deepwater 7's DWB(Mission Genesis) Home Page
Pics and Sounds from all pages
Sinbadfan's Adventures of Sinbad Page
Heather's TITANIC page
Heather's Man In The Iron Mask Photo Gallery
Backstreet Boys
Honor, Forgiveness, and Love (Ever After)
Heather's Young Hercules Page
Heather's Mystic Knights Page
Laheara's CROW: Stairway to Heaven Page
Buffy is on Monday night at 8pm on ASN, Saturday night at 8pm on YTV, here in Atlantic Canada.
This site will be dedicated to the entire cast, but mostly the relationship between the hot couple, Angel and Buffy. Even if Angel is missing right now. He is still in Buffy's dreams.

What will be here?
- Picture Gallery of cast, mostly Angel
- Episode guide
- Angel and Buffy's Histories
- Full Cast Bios "Including Mrs. Joyce Summers"
- Links to Buffy and Angel sites
- Webrings (below)
- An Easy Trivia Quiz to test your Slayer knowledge. Keep the answers coming.=) Answers will be posted as they are mailed.
- Dialog from shows that I liked
- More too, but we'll take it one at a time
Episode Guide this season:
- ANNE ANGEL in this one
Buffy has been working as a waitress in a cafe since she left home after killing Angel. She meets a girl from the Vampire Club in last seasons ep "Ford". Her new boyfriend has been missing for a day and she is worried. At first Buffy refused, but when she went looking she finds an old man instead of a 20 year old boy. When they try to find out what happened to him and all the people walking around saying, "I am no one." they end up falling down into an underground work world. An alien is using humans to mine. Buffy fights the uglies and breaks her friends out. They find out that time moves alot faster there, one day our time, is 100 years to them. They take young people and spit them out when they're to old to work anymore. Also during the ep, Joyce blams Giles for Buffy being who she is and running away. At the end of the ep, Buffy goes home to Sunnydale.
- DEAD MANS PARTY       ANGEL in this one
Giles has spent the summer traveling the country tring to find Buffy, and the Slayerettes aren't to happy when she comes back home. Xander and Cordy have trouble getting back together, but a fit with Xander almost getting bit by a vamp, and Cordy saving him, gets them back together. Willow and Oz are still a couple. Joyce has a mask nailed to the wall in her room that freaks Buffy and Giles when they see it. A strange woman has been helping Joyce get through the summer. The gang decides to have a big party with Oz's band to welcome Buffy home. Recently dead people all over town are rising up and coming to the party too. The woman gets killed in Joyce's room and when she rises gets the mask and becomes a demon. She pushs Buffy out a window, where they fight, and Buffy kills her. When Sneider won't let Buffy back into school, Giles gets forceful to convince him.
- FAITH, HOPE & RICK       ANGEL in this one
Buffy is challenged by an ancient villain and his sidekick.
Just as Buffy tries to return to her normal life of going to school, hanging out with friends and saving the world, she is faced with the arrival of an ancient, cloven-hoofed villain and his blood-sucking sidekick, Mr. Trick. Another new Sunnydale arrival, Faith, helps Buffy in her battle against the unspeakable demons and ingratiates herself into every aspect of Buffy's life.
- Beauty and the Beasts        ANGEL in this one
When a Sunnydale High student is found savagely mauled in the woods, Willow fears that Oz in werewolf mode might somehow be responsible for the violent murder. Meanwhile, Buffy secretly discovers that Angel has returned after 100 years of hellish torture, and she suspects that he is the murderous culprit.
- Homecoming        ANGEL in this one
With Cordelia flaunting her sure win in the race for Homecoming Queen, she awakens the Prom Queen from within Buffy, who tries to enlist the entire gang to help her show Cordy how it's done, but some of their allegiances may be elsewhere. Meanwhile, the blood-sucking Mr. Trick assembles a host of killers in Sunnydale for a thrilling hunt to the death to bring down the two slayers.
- Band Candy        ANGEL in this one
Buffy is forced to grow up even faster when Mr. Trick executes a devious plot to render the town defenseless by causing Sunnydale's adult population to inexplicably behave as irresponsible adolescents. Meanwhile, Buffy struggles to
keep Angel's return and recovery a secret while her mom and Giles conspire to schedule her 24 hours a day.
- Revelations        ANGEL in this one
Tempers run hot when the gang learns of Angel's return and Buffy's harboring this vicious killer, but they all must band together to fight a demon who has arrived in Sunnydale in
search of a highly powerful weapon. Meanwhile, Faith meets her new watcher, a brisk Englishwoman who is disdainful of Giles' haphazard operations.
- Lovers Walk        ANGEL in this one
Just as Buffy enjoys a minute to revel in her S.A.T. scores and ponder her bright future, the underworld version of Sid Vicious, Spike, returns to Sunnydale a fallen man, a pathetic shell of his former self who has been left in the dust by his love Drusilla
and is back to punish every one who is to blame, especially Angel . Meanwhile, Willow prepares a de-lusting spell to keep her and Xander's hormones in check during a double bowling date with Cordelia and Oz.
- The Wish        ANGEL in this one
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned-Cordelia, wanting to be rid of all things Xander and his spooky entourage, decides that all of her troubles started when Buffy moved to Sunnydale and wishes that historic event never actually happened. Not knowing that a an evil genie would grant her fateful wish, Cordelia is transported into an altered reality in which the Hellmouth is open and The Master is alive and ruling, with Willow and Xander as his undead minions.
- AmendsANGEL in this one
As Buffy and her friends make plans for a quiet Christmas vacation, Angel is haunted by visions of his violent, demonic past, including the ghost of Jenny Calendar. Meanwhile, Willow goes to great, seductive lengths to try to convince Oz that he is the one for her; and Xander painfully adjusts to his life without Cordelia.
- GingerbreadANGEL in this one
Picking the worst possible night for a surprise "mother-daughter bonding" visit with Buffy, Joyce is haunted by the discovery of two murdered children and feels compelled to take drastic action. When Giles suggests that the killings appear to be an occult sacrifice, Joyce rallies the entire adult population of Sunnydale behind a Salem-like witch hunt, leading the murderous mob directly to Willow and Buffy.
- HelplessANGEL in this one
For her upcoming 18th birthday, Buffy eschews her friends' offer of a big party, hoping to celebrate with quiet reflection and a traditional trip to the ice show with her father. But unbeknownst to Buffy, preparations are being made for a life-threatening rite of passage that drains the slayer of her powers and then entraps her with a powerful vampire foe that she must defeat in a defenseless state in order to pass the test.
- The ZeppoANGEL in this one
Xander's lack of slaying superpowers has him feeling painfully expendable, but his quest to prove he's cool leads him to an
unforgettable night that finds him consorting with fast women, raising the dead and rolling with a dangerous crowd that could put Sunnydale in a world of hurt. Meanwhile, Buffy, Giles and the
rest of the crew engage in a furious battle with an all-female apocalypse cult that intends to reopen the Hellmouth and bring about the end of the world.
- Bad GirlsANGEL in this one
A taste of the wild life leaves Buffy wanting more, and while Sunnydale is being inhabited by a long-dead demon and his vampire minions, Buffy follows Faith into her irresponsible world of reckless slaying abandon. Meanwhile, Giles fights to maintain his sanity in the face of the pompous and stuffy new watcher, while Willow, Xander and Oz ponder their options for life after high
- ConsequencesANGEL in this one
Buffy is haunted by the consequences of her and Faith's reckless behavior as she battles with Faith's apparent lack of remorse to keep her from continuing on her destructive path. Meanwhile, the new watcher Wesley overrides Giles' objections and instructs Buffy and Faith to get to the bottom of the recent murder, while the Mayor and Trick are thrilled by the possibility of imprisoning a slayer for the murder.
- DoppelgänglandANGEL in this one
Buffy and the real Willow must save the day when from the bleak alternate universe in which vampires rule Sunnydale, Willow's blood-sucking doppelganger is brought forth into this world and wreaks havoc and confusion on Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Buffy goes into full training mode so she can ace out Faith on the Watchers Council tests, while Faith's unholy new alliance is already paying handsome dividends.
- EnemiesANGEL in this one
Faith and the Mayor's secret alliance becomes an all-powerful triumvirate of evil against Buffy when they conspire to rob Angel of his soul. Meanwhile, Giles has unofficially resumed his role as Watcher, as Wesley is distracted from his sacred duties by Cordelia's amorous attention.
- "Choices"ANGEL in this one
THERE'S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT - Since Faith's turn to the dark side seems to have put the proverbial kibosh on Buffy's chances of ever getting out of Sunnydale to go away to college, Buffy decides to launch an offensive and shut down the Mayor's plans for "Ascension." Meanwhile, plans for the future are the order of the day, as Willow tries to choose among a bevy of college acceptances, Xander prepares to hit the road on a Kerouac-inspired adventure and Buffy and Angel refuse to face the insurmountable obstacles to a successful life together.
"The Prom"ANGEL in this one
DEVIL IN A PROM DRESS - Spring has definitely sprung in Sunnydale as talk turns to all things Prom, and while Buffy and Angel grapple with the impossibility of a future together, she is determined on keeping a villain intent on crashing the Prom from ruining her friends' perfect high school moment. Meanwhile, a chance encounter between Xander and Cordelia may have reopened their lines of communication, but he is saddled with a demonic Prom date, while Cordy only has eyes for the new watcher Wesley.
"Graduation Day, Part 1"ANGEL in this one
As Buffy, Willow, Xander, Oz and Cordelia ready for their long-awaited graduation day, the Mayor makes preparations for his
Ascension and transformation into pure demon at the climax of his
commencement address to the Class of 1999. With the fate of the world in true peril, Buffy is distracted from her purpose when Angel is weakened with a lethal poison, and it's slayer against slayer when Buffy faces Faith for what may be the last time.
What's coming:
"The Wish" - Special Monday Episode (USA), Re-run
"Graduation Day, Part 1" - New Episode
"Graduation Day, Part 2" - New Episode
Some Webrings I'm in:
© 1997 All the pics and information on this site belong to Warner Brothers Television Network. This is a fan site, I have nothing to do with the show or it's creator, Joss Weldon.
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