The Secret of Monkey Island

Monkey Island is just one of those games that you think of the times when there were no voices, no cool cutscenes, yet it was very exciting. The whole Monkey Island series is one of my favs. Even with CMI out, I still go back every once in a while and progress farther in to the game, beat it, and start all over again. If you understand what I am talking about then you probably know and love the Monkey Island Phenomena. However, if you have no clue what I'm blabbering to you, then you are at the right place. This is my first review of any game. Monkey Island is the perfect game to start with. The following is information about this wonderful classic made in 1990 by LucasArts.

Your are in charge of Guybrush Threepwood, a lone boy with a heart of a pirate. You start your way from island to island in search of many precious things: having the honor of becoming a full fledged pirate, stealing the heart of your love Elaine, and finding the treasure that every pirate is afraid to search for, BIG WHOOP!

If you take in the fact that it was made eight years ago you will realize that the multimedia isn't that bad. The game was made with a 256-color palette, so it's not as bad as pong. The music is real fun to listen to. Especially will you're doing homework or something by way of midi. Of course, if you didn't already now, distributing the music by means of digital or synthesized is strictly prohibited. Visit LucasFans music downloads page for more info. As speech goes, there is none. Oh well, you can't have everything.

There's not much to say about the installation. You install, then play. The interface though is one of the greats (if an interface can be great). It's the kind used in many games like DOTT, Monkey Island 1 and 2, among others. Your inventory is shown on the right and actions are displayed on the left: walk, talk, push, pull, open, close, etc. The performance is fine unless you have and 8086 with half a Meg of RAM.

What can I say about replayability? Let me tell you this much…I keep comin back for more. This game is real addictive, especially if you're into the classics. There are so many things to do in the realm of Monkey Island so in order to talk to everyone and do everything, you must play it more than once. The length is perfect too. The game is, in fact, pretty long. This can be tedious to a point, but there are many semi-climax points in the game so the excitement keeps you going.

The humor in the game is not that satirical. However, the humor is in the character types, their speech, and comical play in the drawings. Just looking at the fat mayor drooling all over his bed and being fed through a huge tube makes me die laughing. The puns and play of words make me smile throughout the game. The characters are also very amusing. Among them are: Stan, the salesman of many things. He points his arms every which way while he speaks and always tries to sell, sell, sell; Elaine, the love of your life. She also takes the role of a beautiful mayor; Lots and lots of monkeys; Tribal cannibals with giant fruits on their heads; and there are others, but you get the point.

Overall, Monkey Island is a great game. As I said in the beginning, the series is one of my favs. Every part of this game is full of good, classic fun. If they were to redo it with better graphics (like Sierra did with Leisure Suit Larry 1) I would kill to get a copy. Speech would be nice too. But what can I say, the classics will be the beginning of good adventure gaming forever. Long live MI!

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