Hello and welcome to Margude's Disneydiotic Page!
This is my Disney unofficial site and there are many others like mine. Almost nothing different or just nothing. Actually many things here are taken from other fans' pages: something from here, another thing from there, and other things from other places which I already don't remember... I suppose that it's not fair but... that's life-nothing's perfect.
Now-let's go back to my site! It is dedicated to Disney animated films with human beauties. I prefer those with music by Alan Menken which means the renaissance of the Disney Empire-the films created since 1989. "The Lion King" is not included (two reasons for this: 1-lions are not people and Nala is a lion; 2-its music is written by Elton John who is not Alan Menken, and Hans Zimmer-the original score author- is not Menken either).
And so, have a look at the
The Little Mermaid
Beauty and the Beast
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I'm also very interested in fan art pictures (click here to view my frequently updated art) and I would appreciate if you send me some at margude@geocities.com. Of course, you are always welcome to email me not only for this but as well as for anything you suggest and like to see here. Feel free to use materials from my site but I ask you (as well as anyone who just likes it) to put it among his/her Disney links. Thanks!

My Art
Links to other Disney pages
Web rings
My Friends
The awards this site has won

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Disclaimer: This is a fan page of Disney. All the the properties of The Walt Disney Company:
images, song lyrics, and sounds included in this page are used without permission and are for personal use only.

Page Creator and Owner:Meg Konovska

In Association with allwall.com

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