Cherry Project Manga Translation-A wonderufl tranlation of Cherry Project. It was translated by Alex Glover. I think it's the only translation on the 'Net. I could be wrong...But kudos anyway!
Ginga No Chieri: This page is just starting out, but I think it's gonna be an ok site! Keep checking back with'll get better:-)
The Crystal Kingdom-A good lil' Sailor Moon webbie.
Eternal Eclipse-A nice Sailor Moon site. Very well done.
-Kutie Usagi: This is where I got the basic form for my entrance. She's got some good forms.
Lycentia's Sailor Moon Web Graphics- A very helpful site with HTML tips and gorgeous web graphics. Lycentia provided many of the
graphics on this site.
Manga Style- A beautiful site of manga pics. I got some of my manga pics from this site. I give it an A++++!
Missy's Sailor Moon Page- Great if you like Makoto. This girl is a Jupiter fanatic!:-) must for any Sailor Moon fan. They've got many great images! It's where I got most of my Sailor Pluto pix.
Sailor V's Sailor Moon Pages- A wonderful little Sailor Moon site run by my good buddy Sailor V!
CHECKMATE!- A fabulous KKJ Image Gallery. Lots of infor and manga translations.
Fansubs 2000!!!- This is where I got my KKJ videos. High quality videos. I highly recommend them.
The Holy Wind of God: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne- A beautiful site dedicated to everyone's favorite Kaitou.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne- A nice little site that has great potential.
Kaitou Jeanne!- A pretty site with Jeanne info.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne- A LARGE KKJ Gallery. They have some GREAT images.
Project Kamikaze- I'm a memeber...Are you?
World Window- A nice KKJ page. Check it out. It has a nice little image gallery and episode summaries.
AnimeSpider-A great search engine for Anime obsessors...All Anime all the time! :-)
Anime Turnpike- A DEFINITE MUST for any Sailor Moon fan---or a fan of any anime.
Eponine's Anime and Manga Scans-This site didn't really have a title...So I just used the webmistress' handle. She's got some great Sailor Moon scans as well as some Cherry Project and Fuushigi Yuugi. Great Job!
OtakuWorld- GO HERE THIS IS A MUST FOR ANY HARDCORE ANIME FAN! QUALITY DESKTOP THEMES FOR YOUR COMPUTER! I got a cute Magick Knights Rayearth theme for Setsy--my latop! It's great...It sings the American opening theme...but that's's great anyway!
PQAngels' Cherry Project Shrine is great. Very informative. A must see for any Cherry Project fan!