RANDOM MIKE (That's be on the left)

Hi my name is Random Mike and did you know that the glacier stopped here in Ithaca Ten Thousand years ago it deposited gravel at this end of Cayuga Lake and more gravel at the other end of the lake, on it's retreat, plugging up each end of the soon to be Cayuga Lake. This made the wonderful view that you see from Ithaca College's Campus.

My favorite bands are Weezer, They Might be Giants, Avail, and The Descendents. They all rock. I also enjoy The Doors, Santana, most ska music, specifically skavoovie and the epitones, and The Slackers. They rock too. I also like some hip-hop like Wu-Tang and The Roots. Jazz is also very good. Miles Davis rocks the house.

I'm an environmental studies major and I don't smoke pot. But I do, do a lot of backpacking and hiking. Ummm...I have 23 out of the 46 Adirondack high peaks. I went out to Colorado this summer. That was cool. I've also climbed Mt. Washington, which wasn't that cool. I might get to go to Alaska this summer, that would be cool.

I enjoy Blissful Idiots immenesly. In high school I had a show similiar to Blissful Idiots called Alternative Punk-Rocking Spider Monkeys, also known as APRSM. I live to act goofy and random on the show, that's my main stay. Look forward to me being in more episodes. It's kinda like playing Where's Waldo, because I might show up anywhere.

To Contact Mike about his randomness or his mountian climbing email him at freddyfat@hotmail.com