John Smith

John Smith is the hero from Pocahontas (which premiered to network television March 1, 1998 with a preview for the sequel!). I had forgotten how much I really liked this movie until I watched it last night! John Smith comes to the New World with the British for the sole purpose to find and kill any Indians that might reside there. This is all fine and good until he actually meets one...(and her measurements are 30-15-25!). He loves her at first sight and eventually plans to try and make peace with both sides. He gets to know her so well, hey, he even talks to a tree for her! He shows courage when he steps in the line of fire (Ratcliffe attempting to shoot Powhatan) and has to return to England, lest he should die. The end always gets me (call me wussish), the orchestration, the running, the cliff, the leaves (the spirit of Pocahontas's mother), etc. It's a great movie! Many will say it bombed. I tend to disagree...
I dedicate this page to Erika, because she has an ENORMOUS crush on this blond-haired, blue-eyed hero (And no, Pocahontas is NOT a bimbo!)...
Smith's opinion of the Native American people changes completely when he meets "her."

The opposing forces... I wonder who'll win... The one with the best nose?

All of my life, I have searched for a land like this one,
A wilder, more challenging country I couldn't design,
Hundreds of dangers await and I don't plan to miss one,
In a land I can claim, a land I can tame,
The greatest adventure is mine...
from "Mine, Mine, Mine"

Any girl would want him! He's not only dashing, handsome, etc. etc., but he's great with animals!

He's an outdoorsman, too!

Awww, lookit that smile... ;)
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