This page has plenty o' links where you can find more info on your fave hero.
- Disney's Aladdin
This is a good site with info, pics and more links, all about the movie Aladdin!.
the Beast
- "Arielholics Anonymous"
This is the Arielholics Anonymous Homepage". Definitely go here if you have a thing for red-headed fish-females.
General Links
- This is the Animated Heroines page.
Since you have visited mine, I must INSIST that you go here (unless you already have, in which case, go again!). Belle83210 was my inspiration for this page, so I give full (almost :P) credit to her for the idea. Thanks! - This is the Animated Villains homepage.
Third in a (continuing?) series, this page honors the characters we love to hate. It's my second one in this series, so check it out! - This is one of the BEST pages I have found with Disney pics! Go here!
- This page has Disney Movie Posters. Good source.
That's all for now, but I'll have more soon.
My other page needs a lot of work, but if you're interested, click here. So you know, I was Raven-Wing back then. If only I had a scanner!
Or, of course, you can always go back to look at more heroes.