Hi I'm hercules381.

This homepage has plenty of info on your favorite classic animated heroes!

This is it...

Animated Heroes

This homepage will prove to be (hopefully) a helpful source of pics and info about your favorite animated heroes! This page is based on the original Animated Heroines page, by Belle83210, and many thanks to her (it was she who inspired me to start a heroes page!). Be sure that you visit her page (if you haven't already been there)! Also, recently I put up a Animated Villains homepage. Go there too!


In the classic tradition of Animated Heroines, you can vote for your fave hero. E-mail me with your votes and I'll post them as they come in! You can see the results here.


the Beast...


Prince Eric...


John Smith...


Prince Phillip...




What's New?

About me...

Other Heroic sites...

Coming Soon...


Click here to read about the dalmatian puppy I adopted! :)

Watch for much more and pics coming very soon! I just got started with this sort of thing, so it may take me a while, but don't you worry! This'll be cool...

These are links to pages about two of my coolest and best friends.
Please take a second to check 'em out. :)

Email me at sgraham@isp.homestar.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Or, you could always visit....

The Animated Heroines Homepage, run by none other than the famous Belle83210.

The sequel: Animated Heroes (why, that would be...THIS page!), created and run by none other than (myself) Hercules381.

The Animated Villains Homepage.
My second page and the third in this trilogy. This one doesn't have a banner (as of yet), but make sure you visit there anyway!

Thanks a ton to Belle83210 for making these banners to post. Have a rutabaga kind of day (don't EVEN ask).

You are human/god(dess)/titan number to be kind (and lucky :P) enough to explore my little corner of the Web! (since February 18, 1998)

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