Titanic Wins Eleven Oscars!!!!!!!

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Did you know? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone surpassed Titanic as the highest grossing movie across the world.

I saw Leo's new movie The Man in the Iron Mask on March 21st. Can I say, wow! I loved it!!! Yes, Leo has ugly long hair, but it's LEO!!!! I really liked the story and I was impressed at how well Leo's facial expressions allowed you to tell the difference between King Louis XIV and his twin Phillipe. Wow!! Very cool story, very good acting, double DiCaprio. Go see it. I HIGHLY recommend it. It's awesome!!!

Titanic is the story of a young girl who's stuggling to escape from the life she hates. Rose DeWitt Bukater (played by Kate Winslet) is a seventeen year old girl. She's been brought up very "privledged" but has grown to dilike the way she's expected to be. Rose has been pretty much forced to marry Cal Haukly, heir to a Pittsburg steel mine fortune. She fights for a way out and finds it in Jack Dawson.

Jack (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is "third-class steerage." He's an artist who loves living his life the way he does. He won his ticket on "Titanic" in a lucky poker hand. He falls in love with Rose and shows her what life is really about.

Jack takes Rose to a third class dance below deck and the next evening he shows her how to fly. They share a magical love affair as they fight for the right to love from Rose's mother, Cal, and Cal's loyal man valet. When "Titanic" hits the iceberg, the action, drama, and love strengthen.

Mixed along with Jack, Rose, and her family are actual people. The "Unsinkable" Molly Brown, Thomas Andrews, builder and archtect of "Titanic," Captain E.J. Smith, and even the famous orchestra that played up to the last thirty minutes of "Titanic's" life.

This is truly a picture all people must see.

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