mel Forever Young is really splendid movie that has something for everybody! It's a nice mixture of sci-fi and romance and it's similar to those Tom-Hanks-feel-good type of a movie.

mel I last saw this movie quite some time ago and so, rusty as my brain always is, I may not remember the details that well. Anyway, the movie starts off with Mel as Daniel, a test pilot in 1939, who is like head over heels for Helen (Isabel Glasser). He's having major 'problems' trying to come up with enough gusto mel to propose to her and just when he's decided that he's gonna do it... tragedy strikes! Helen is knocked down by a car and as a result, she's in a deep coma and the doctors have no clue if or when she will wake up from it.

title-forever young
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Cast overview, first billed only:
Mel Gibson .... Daniel
Jamie Lee Curtis .... Claire
Elijah Wood .... Nat Cooper
Isabel Glasser .... Helen
George Wendt .... Harry
Joe Morton .... Cameron
Nicolas Surovy .... John
David Marshall Grant .... Wilcox
Robert Hy Gorman .... Felix
Millie Slavin .... Susan Finley
Michael A. Goorjian .... Steven
Veronica Lauren .... Alice
Art LaFleur .... Alice's Father
Eric Pierpoint .... Fred
Walt Goggins .... Gate M.P.
Directed by: Steve Miner
Writing credits: Jeffrey Abrams
Genre: Adventure / Romance / Sci-Fi
Tagline: Time waits for no man but true love waits forever.
Plot Outline: A 1939 test pilot asks his best friend to use him a a guinea pig for a...
Runtime: Germany:94 / Spain:101
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Dolby
Certification: USA:PG / UK:PG / Germany:12 / Spain:T / Sweden:11 / Austria:6 / Finland:S
Source : Internet Movie Database

Heartbroken and distraught, Daniel decides to be a guinea pig for his scientist friend, Harry (George Wendt). And so... Daniel gets cryogenically preserved and his life put on suspended animation!

We shift into the future and it turns out that the whole experiment was lost and forgotten (the scientist guy died quite soon after) until little Nat (Elijah Wood) finds it and releases Daniel from his 'preserved' state. Well, the two of them ends up being buddies and Nat enjoys Daniel's companionship as he yearns for a father figure in his life.

So, does Daniel get a new lease in life? Does he fall for Jamie Lee Curtis' Claire? Or does his heart still long for Helen? Watch the movie and find out for yourself...

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