Directed by:
Richard Donner
Writing credits:
Brian Helgeland
Genre: Action / Mystery / Romance / Thriller
Tagline: What you know could kill you.
Plot Outline: Jerry Fletcher is a man who sees conspiracies everywhere. But if you keep doing that long enough, sooner or later you're going to get one right...
MPAA: Rated R for some violence.
Runtime: USA:129 / UK:130 / Australia:130 / Germany:135 / Netherlands:127 / Sweden:135
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital / DTS / SDDS
Certification: USA:R / UK:15 / Germany:12 (w) / Italy:T / Netherlands:12 / Portugal:M/12 /
Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / Australia:M / Finland:K-12
Source : Internet Movie Database |
ahhh! Conspiracy Theory... the movie with the
conspiracies to keep you occupied when you just
got nothing to do! Conspiracy Theory stars Mel
Gibson (of course) as the paranoid cab driver,
Jerry Fletcher, who comes up with really weird
conspiracies with every breath that he takes. Of
course, a movie wouldn't be a movie without a
leading lady and this is where
Julia Roberts walks in. Julia plays a lawyer at
the justice department who takes pity on Jerry
and takes the time to listen to him
although she doesn't take any of his ramblings
seriously. How did this two meet? Well, it seems
that Jerry saved Alice's (Julia Roberts) life
when she was mugged and Jerry uses this reason
to get close to Alice. Why? Well, Jerry has a crush
on Alice. Awwww!
And so, one fine day, after Jerry posted his
Conspiracy Theory Newsletter, he finds himself
in serious trouble because it seems
that one of his theories hit the nail right on
the head! And so a Dr Jonas (Partick Stewart)
comes into the story as the bad guy
who wants to silence Jerry.

It seems that Dr Jonas had been working on a mind-control
project experimenting on life humans and Jerry
happened to be
one of his patients. His purpose was to create an
army of 'soldiers' or assassins and loan them to
whoever who is willing to pay
the price. And so, Jerry was assigned to bump Alice's
dad was some reason that you will just have to find out
yourself. But he couldn't do it because he just didn't have the heart to
kill a fellow human being despite all the brainwashing
and programming. And so, we find him as what he is today;
paranoid and troubled by disturbing memories.
And so the story goes on....
What happens next in the movie? Well, you just have to
watch the movie yourself to find out! Come on, just pop
into your local
video store and buy this fabulous movie. Trust me, you
won't regret it! But, personally speaking, this movie
falls short on my expectations. Call it the X-Files
Syndrome but some times Conspiracy Theory is a bit draggy
and an X-File episode might just have more punch. And the
helicopter scene in the city is a bit unrealistic. I mean,
here's a guy who wants to keep his mind-control thing
secret but he goes about sending his henchmen in
helicopters in a busy city and depositing them on
the road! By the way it goes, I think Dr Jonas might
just have to silence the whole city to keep his project
a hush-hush thing!
By the way, if you haven't watched this movie, then you
shouldn't be reading my review. I find that reading a
review some times give a false idea about a movie and
it will influence the way you feel about it. I watched
Conspiracy Theory with a negative precognition after
reading a review and look at what I have written!! If
it wasn't for the review, I am quite sure that I would
have enjoyed the movie better! So don't blame me if this
Mel fan is a critic of sorts.
So... wanna know more about this movie? Well, then,
to read some info from the Conspiracy Theory page!! |