Kevin Spacey: Best Supporting Actor
Christopher McQuarrie: Best Original Screenplay
Greetings everyone, and welcome to Alex's frighteningly obsessive fan page devoted to her favorite movie of all time, The Usual Suspects. This site is the home of my Suspects Sounds page that is generally considered the best compilation of Suspects sounds out there. I've been doing some updating lately...I've added my fun little Quizlet (if you accidentally closed the window, just reload). Some of my still image links are I'm working on that. And so, without any further ado...The Story:
A boat, believed to have $91 million in cocaine on board, is docked at a pier in San Pedro, just south of L.A. Suddenly an enormous explosion rips through the still of the night and you know that whatever or whoever was unlucky enough to be on that boat was blown halfway to hell. Within hours, a charred floating carcass is all that's left. That, and twenty-seven dead bodies. Miraculously, there are two survivors: a Hungarian gangster who lies, clinging to life and burnt to a crisp, in a hospital bed; and Roger "Verbal" Kint, a crippled con-man from New York.
As U.S. Customs Special Agent David Kujan conducts his grueling inquisition, Kint weaves a tale that begins six weeks earlier, at a police lock- up in New York. Five felons, accused of hijacking a truckload of gun parts in Oueens, are brought in for a line-up. The cops don't have much in the way of evidence, so the five are held overnight.
Five criminals. Five criminal minds. One night. One plan. They are suspects. Strangers. With one thing in common: Keyser Soze -- a criminal so feared, so fabled, even the icy glares of these cold-blooded killers burn with terror at the mere mention of his name.
And now, the only one who can identify Keyser Soze, believed to be at the heart of this dockside massacre, is the hospitalized Hungarian. So while an FBI sketch artist struggles to complete his rendering of Soze before the witness dies, Verbal Kint sits in the D.A.'s office, taking Kujan through the steps that led him there.
The inquisition is arduous. Kujan is relentless. Hour after hour he probes. Kint wavers and, finally, breaks. In the end, a pathetic, low-life con-man is outwitted by a smart, shrewd U.S. government agent.
PolyGram Filmed Entertainment and Spelling Films International present a Blue Parrot/Bad Hat Harry Production of Bryan Singer's film, THE USUAL SUSPECTS, directed by Bryan Singer, written by Christopher McQuarrie, and starring Gabriel Byrne, Kevin Spacey, Stephen Baldwin, Pete Postlethwaite, Kevin Pollak, Chazz Palminteri, Suzy Amis, Dan Hedaya, Giancarlo Esposito and Benicio Del Toro.
The executive producers are Robert Jones, Hans Brockmann, Francois Duplat and Art Horan. The producers are Bryan Singer and Michael McDonnell. Kenneth Kokin is the co-producer.
"THE USUAL SUSPECTS," the second film for director Bryan Singer following his auspicious debut at the Sundance Film Festival two years ago, is the taut, complex story of five master thieves who are thrown together in a police line-up and plan a heist which not only nets them $3 million in jewels but also exposes nearly 50 dirty New York cops in the process.
Their getaway takes them to Los Angeles where, after fencing the gems, they are hired for another job. This time things don't go so well and three men are killed -- an outcome which leaves them obliged to a notorious crime lord who uses them to try to stop a $91 million drug deal in the San Pedro harbor.

It's not fully revised, but it's fun to watch the movie and read along. Some changes, you'll be grateful for, and others... Anyway, click HERE to download the .TXT file in zip format.
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