My Favorite Stories

So, y' wanna read some of my fav'rite stories? B'lieve me, you'll love these! There's some great authors out there, and with material like this, y' know these stories gotta be good!

Never Forget -- MG wrote an extremely touchin' story 'bout friends, family, and learnin' t' trust and survive.

Learning To Receive -- This great story by my fellow Newsies Row FC member, Spitfire, shows ya that t' get over tough times, what y' need is a friend

I May Know The Word -- Specs reaches out t' a girl tryin' t overcome a rough past; I can't really tell ya how great Grace's story is, so just read it!

The Apothecary -- Th' first Newsies story t' actually leave me speechless when I read it, this incredible fanfic by Slick has a message all of us need t' listen to.

The Tracks Left Behind -- Twobtz's story of who seems t' be th' overall fave Newsy: Racetrack. It tells y' all about, well, th' tracks left behind.

Ghost's Newsies Fanfic -- Three girls from three very difficult backgrounds come t'gether, thanks t' th' newsies

Paint -- Hey, after all those tough stories, ya need this cute one t' cheer ya up! Let Griffin tell ya about Snoddy's little crush ;D

Blink's Friendship -- Blink thinks a new kid should have a chance at bein' a newsy, but will th' others accept him?

All In The Family -- sequel to Blink's Friendship Everyone's past has to catch up with them, and Blink's friend is no exception

Th' writers worked hard on these, so th' least y' could do is check 'em out; I hope y' enjoy 'em as much as I do. When you're done checkin' theirs out, stop by and see my humble attempts. Otherwise, y' can just go back t' th' press room.