My Special Effects Book Collection
This web page catalogs all of my special effects books, manuals, and other
commercially available material that I have collected through the years. Some
of this material is over twenty years old and is probably now considered
collectors items.
TESB - The Empire Strikes Back
ROTJ - The Return of the Jedi
TPM - The Phantom Menace
STNG - Star Trek Next Generation
ILM - Industrial Light and Magic
- Star Trek - The United Federation of Planets
Charts A-D, 41" x 29", circa 1980
These maps where exhibited in the Air & Space museum during the Star Trek Exhibit
in 1992.
- Star Trek - U.S.S Constitution Class (U.S.S. Enterprise), 12 sheets, circa 1973
- Star Trek - U.S.S. Avenger Class (U.S.S. Reliant), 6 sheets, circa 1983
- Star Trek - U.S.S Enterprise - D, 13 sheets, circa 1996
- Star Trek - The Motion Picture, 14 sheets, circa 1980
- 2001 A Space Odyssey - Orion III Passenger Vehicle, side view, 1 sheet, circa 1978
- Battlestar Galactica - The Battlestar Galactica, side view, 1 sheet, circa 1979
- Silent Running - Valley Forge, side view, 1 sheet, circa 1979
Technical Manuals
- Space 1999 - Moonbase Alpha Technical Notebook, circa 1977
- Star Trek - ST:TNG Technical Manual 1991
- Star Trek - The Star Fleet Technical Manual, circa 1986
- Star Wars - Star Wars Technical Journal Volume 2, circa 1994
- Star Wars - Star Wars Technical Journal Volume 3, circa 1994
- Star Trek - ST:DS9 Technical Manual, circa 1998
- Babylon 5 - Security Manual, circa 1998
- Star Wars - Incredible Cross-sections, circa 1998
- Star Wars - Episode I Incredible Cross-sections, circa 1999
- Alien Movie Novel, circa 1979
- Battlestar Galactica, circa 1979
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, circa 1979
- Outland The Movie Novel, circa 1981
- Star Trek The Motion Picture, circa 1980
- Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan, circa 1982
- Topps TESB Widevision Trading Cards, circa 1995
- Topps ROTJ Widevision Trading Cards, circa 1995
- Cinefex - Magazine, Issues #1, #2, #20, #53 - Current
- Encyclopedia Galactica, circa 1979
- Famous Spaceships of Fact and Fiction, circa 1980
- Future - Magazine, Issue Number 1 (discontinued), circa 1978
- ILM - The Art of Special Effects, circa 1986
- ILM - Into the Digital Realm, circa 1996
- Special Effects Cinematography, circa 1995
- Star Trek - The Art of Star Trek, circa 1995
- Star Trek - A History in Pictures, circa 1994
- Star Trek - STNG The Continuing Mission, circa 1997
- Star Wars - The Best of the Lucasfilm Archives, circa 1994
- Star Wars - ROTJ Official Collectors Edition, circa 1983
- Star Wars - The Art of Star Wars, circa 1979
- Star Wars - The Art of The Empire Strikes Back, circa 1994
- Star Wars - The Art of The Return of the Jedi, circa 1994
- Star Wars - The Galactic Empire, Ships of the Fleet, circa 1996
- Star Wars - The Making of the Movie, circa 1980
- Star Wars - The Star Wars Chronicles, circa 1997
- Star Wars - The Making of Episode I, circa 1999
- Star Wars - Episode I TPM Souvenir Magazine, circa 1999
- Starlog - Fantastic Worlds, circa 1978
- Starlog - Magazine, Issue Number 2, circa 1976
- Starlog - Spaceships, circa 1980
- Starlog - Special Effects Volume 1, circa 1979
- Starlog - Special Effects Volume 3, circa 1981
Last Updated: March 7, 1998
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