Other Film or Special Effects Related Web Sites

This web page presents other film or TV special effects related web sites that I have found interesting and think that you might also enjoy visiting.

Click here to visit a site that discusses the pros and cons of various movie film formats and how these images are stored on the standard film stock. The web site also talks about the film formats that various directors prefer and why. The site also discusses the processes involved with transferring standard 24 fps movies to video for the various types of TV presentation. This site also has links to other sites within various Hollywood studios.

Click here to visit a site that discusses how the bluescreen compositing process works and tips about how to get good results when using a bluescreen.

Click here to visit the official Smithsonian Museum's Star Wars exhibit, which runs through January 31, 1999. This site discusses the historical and military basis for various props and military structure of the empire and the other entities that inhabit the Star Wars universe.

Click here to visit the official Air and Space Museum's version of the Star Wars exhibit. I acutally like this version of the exhibit better than the Smithsonian Museum's version because this presentation has much better pictures of the artifacts.

Click here to visit a very nice site that features a large array of behind-the-scenes photos of many of the stage models that have appeared in various Sci-Fi movies over the last few decades. Models featured include the Star War's Imperial Star Destroyer and Imperial Cruiser, Super Star Destroyer, Sandcrawler, AT-ST, and ST:TOS Enterprise and ST:TMP Enterprise A, Excelsior, the Battlestar Galactica and The Black Hole's U.S.S Cygnus models. Coming features include the Klingon D-7, Battlestar Galactica's Viper, Base Star, Cylon Raider models as well as the Nautilus and Starship Trooper's Rodger Young models.

Click here to visit another site that features a large array of behind-the-scenes photos of many of the stage models that have appeared in various Sci-Fi movies over the last few decades. Models featured include the ST:TOS Enterprise Galileo shuttle and SS Botany Bay, ST:TMP Klingon D-7 and Enterprise A, the Battlestar Galactica and many others.

Click here to visit an excellent Star Wars technical site that contains a large array of behind-the-scenes photos, technical information, concept drawings, floorplans and blueprints of many of the Star Wars ships and equipment. This site also has a very accurate set of fan produced blueprints of the Rebel Blockade Runner, something I have been trying to find for several decades.

Click here to visit an effects website designed to show visitors how to create professional quality special effects through photo illustrated, step by step articles. Effects described will include monsters, robots, creatures, landscapes, blasters, make ups, spacecraft, sets, explosions, masks, vehicles, armor, swords, scanners, dinosaurs and more.

Click here to visit Martin Bower's model shop. Martin is a professional model maker who lives in England. He worked with Brian Johnson in the 1970's on Alien, Space: 1999, and several other Gerry Anderson productions. His site is chuck full of model photos from his work on these productions.

Click here to visit an effects website designed to show visitors how to create Star Wars episodes II, IV and VI hyperspace jumps and tunnels using commercial software.

Last Updated: February 18, 2002
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