Versus Mode
On the game Starfox64 you have the opportunity to play someone else if you have two or more control pads. You can choose from three different settings: Point Match, Battle Royal or Time Trial and three different transports: Arwing, Tank and On-Foot. There is a small summary of each below.
Point Match: In Point Match the first person to kill their opponents three times wins.
Battle Royal: In Battle Royal you only have to kill your opponents once.
Time Trial: In Time Trial the person who shoots down the most enemies in the allocated time wins.
Arwings: You can use this mode on V.S. when you are at any part of the game! In this mode you are simply an Arwing in All-Range Mode.
Tanks: After you have got a medal on Venom in Main Game you have the opportunity to play in tanks on V.S. mode.
On-Foot: Once you have conquered Starfox64, you have the opportunity to play on-foot mode. On this mode you are a character in the Starfox Team actually running around the level with a gun. However if you are playing On-Foot you can not lock on to your enemies!