Fox McCloud
Vital Stats:
Age: 18
Height: 1.73sm
Weight: 70.31sk
Profile: Fox McCloud, in his early years was an army cadet at the Cornerian Defence Academy when he heard the news that his father, James McCloud, had met a violent end at the hands of the twisted genius, Andross. As the only survivor of the original Starfox Team, Peppy, James' Wingman insisted that the young Fox take on the leadership of the group and form a new team of pilots. Trust into the leadership role that he wasn't prepared for, Fox recruited the hot-tempered Falco Lombardi and the mechanical genius Slippy Toad. Together, this mercenary unit would fight against any threat to the Lylat Star System; for a price. Although it may appear that the Starfox Team is motivated only by financial gain, they will only accept missions that serve to uphold justice.