Special Makeup Effects
The Creation of Film Fantasy
Welcome to the Special Makeup Effects section. In this section I will be spotlighting some of my work in this field so you can check out my resume or follow the link to the Special Makeup Services page for more pictures and info.
I will also be spotlighting my favorite makeup effects from other films and offer anecdotes and background on the creation of these effects.
Be sure to puruse the photo album for cool shots fom the TV show "Ghost Stories" currently in syndication across the nation. Check your local schedules for times and channels.
Prof. Bones (Steve Stephens) from the GHOST STORIES episode "Scream House".
Prosthetic appliance sculpted and fabricated by Steve Stephens. On-Set application by Clayton Sayre

Two on-set continuity shots of "The Shadowy Figure" from the film AFTERLIFE produced by Regent/CBN International-1998. Makeup designed and created by Clayton Sayre.
Links to other sites on the Web
Special Makeup Services
Creepies Main Page
Classic Horror
Horror Model Kits
Monster Memorabilia
© 1997 monster.man@worldnet.att.net
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