Welcome to my Guestbook! Hope you enjoy these fine comments from other visitors!
pootytat - 03/27/99 04:48:37
My URL:/SouthBeach/Tidepool/9792/
My Email:pootytat@netscape.net
What a wonderful story. Very seldome do I hear of couples actually surviving a relationship over the net. I'm really happy for you two.
JANET - 03/27/99 01:24:04
Hi I was looking at your page..it is such a nice love story..and the pictures are beautiful...and so are you and your Husband....yo did a great job on your site..I was wondering if you got time could you visit our page WEDDING Album and let me know how yo
like it....thank you HOTPANTS
Billy Strelow - 02/25/99 03:12:27
My Email:ifxstuf@bigfoot.com
angela - 01/11/99 01:18:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cowlovergirl/angies.htm
My Email:rose_1269@hotmail.com
you have a very beautiful webpage here.. i do hope you will come check out mine.. what a beautiful pic of you and your husband :) i wish you many years of happiness and keep up the good work
Cindy S. - 12/14/98 06:40:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~FantasyLove/index.html
My Email:fantasyloves@yahoo.com
Hi.. I was just checking out your site and i think
you have done a great job !! I invite you to come and see
my site and see what you think !! and if you like it please
feel free to vote.!!! Thanks FantasyLove

Lynn Meyer - 11/04/98 21:10:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/6145
My Email:Ard-na-sidhe
Hi! What a lovely page you have! The pictures of the wedding and all of your lovely children and grandbaby are wonderful! I met my fiance via the net also. I'm encouraged to hear of others success stories! love and light, Lynn
10/25/98 11:03:21
Just surfing. Thanks.
- 10/17/98 15:34:18
Tazdoo - 10/08/98 02:02:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/6469
My Email:bblight@hotmail.com
I loved your story,your lucky to find that speical person that can only come once in your life.I found my speical person at the bowling center were I bowl,we were both shy for a month before I asked her out.
Rhiannon - 10/07/98 18:18:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/5775/
My Email:rhiannonway@connect.ab.ca
I loved your page & I'm so happy for you and your hubby...Beautiful grandbaby you have there!
Tess - 09/30/98 21:37:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/9683
My Email:knotts@mint.net
I just wanted to say i really enjoyed your page and it gives hope to alot of people out there that this kind of thing can really happen...
REDTEDDY1 - 09/27/98 21:38:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9807
My Email:marsha@internet1.net
Hi! and Congratulation.
My Husband John (SkyElf) and I met the very same
way. We had a few problems to over come. John is
Canadian and I am USA. But that didn't stop us from getting married. We just Celebrated our 1st anniversary Aug 30th, and are still very much in love. He is and always will be the soul mate I have been looking for all my life. So I guess we are internet f
ns in more ways than one. I only have one problem. We have 3 computers set-up in our living room at the moment *s* still waiting for us to set up our new office space in a spare
bedroom.... I hope you and your hubby as many years of happiness, as John and I are now and forever sharing.
Marlena (a.k.a. PalmTree) - 09/26/98 23:35:25
My URL:/SouthBeach/Marina/5090
My Email:palm_tree@geocities.com
Hi Teresa! :^) Great site you've got here! I joined the Foxy Lady ring a couple of weeks ago, and found your site when I hit "Random!" Congrats to you and your hubby on your marriage this year, plus the birth of your grandbaby...he's sure a cutie! *g
in* Your love story was really beautiful, too...thanx for showing us that internet romances CAN have happy endings, and keep up the great work! I'd be honoured if you'd drop by my site sometime and sign my guestbook. In the meantime, take care, and I'll
see ya 'round the 'net! Cheers from your Canadian Geocities neighbour and another Foxy Lady from SouthBeach Marina...Marlena (a.k.a. PalmTree)! :^)

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