Here's a whole bunch of links to films that our man has been in, as well as a few other fun places to visit.

Carl Sagan's Contact
Official site
Movie Transcript
Contains video clips, etc.
Contact (Prodigy.com)
Contact: The Movie (netwiz.net)

Les's Forrest Gump Page
Lawrence's Forrest Gump Page

The Last Starfighter
Apollo 13 (movieweb.com)
Episode Summary for Deep Space Nine Episode 37- includes a short movie clip with Geoff in it!
A "Renegade" fan page- Geoff played Hound Adams on this show, and was in six episodes.
Other Related Links
Hamilton-Turner Autographs, where I got my autographed picture of Geoff. Check there for all your autograph needs!
Amy's Emilio Estevez page- Geoffrey, having been in four (count em, four) films with Emilio Estevez, must have some sort of connection with this family. We don't know what yet, but I'll let you know what we do find out.
The Internet Movie Database- source of most of the Blake info you see on this site.
TV Guide Online- Search for Blake projects that are airing in your area.
Reel Films and Videoflicks are two great sites that can sell you any obscure video you might be looking for.
Movieweb is very poorly designed but there is a lot of great information here, including stills and short plot synopses of most great movies from the past three years.
Have you got a link to a Blake-related page? I'll be indebted to you already for visiting my page, so let me know what it is and I'll put it up.
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