Filmography for Geoffrey Blake

Mr. Blake has acted in a lot of motion pictures. Here is a complete listing with plot synopses where available. For more complete reports on the Blakeage in a select number of these films, check out my Reviews page.

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The Last Starfighter (1984)
This film is a science fiction/family flick about a boy whose video game skills are put to good use saving the galaxy. Geoffrey's character is named "Gary"- he is one of the protagonist's friends. He gets about half a line. Total screen time is about 45 seconds, but he's young and cute.

Secret Admirer (1985)
This cheesy 80s teen movie stars C. Thomas Howell and Lori Loughlin (yeah, from Full House) in some sort of love triangle that I never could figure out, though the moral of the story is that if you have a friend of the opposite sex, you should get together with them. Geoff plays this ass-kicking guy named Ricardo- definitely the best character in the movie.

Young Guns (1988)
This Emilio Estevez/Charlie Sheen movie is about Billy the Kid in 1878 New Mexico. Geoffrey's character, one very attractive J. McCloskey, is one of the original six Regulators, but Emilio kills him, believing he's a spy.

Men at Work (1990)
Another project of the brothers Sheen (or the brothers Estevez if you prefer), involving organized crime, garbage men, and kidnapped pizza delivery boys. Geoffrey is another garbage man (sporting completely fake-looking long hair and a surfer persona) who is involved in a practical joke war with Charlie and Emilio. A must-rent for the towel scenes.

The Walter Ego (1991)
Geoffrey plays the part of "Tall Egg" in this black-and-white short film.

Critters 3 (1991)
Big, bloodthirsty hairballs terrorize Geoffrey (as Frank Longo, the first victim to fall prey to said hairballs, though we know that in real life Geoff would be able to outsmart a bunch of stupid Tribble wannabes, particularly over Leo the Wuss), Leonardo DiCaprio, and the rest of a neighborhood in L.A.

Ferngully: the Last Rainforest (1992)
Preachy environmental fable about fairies in the rainforest. Geoffrey does the voice of Ralph, a logger who unwittingly cuts down trees for the evil Hexxus. Ralph isn't evil though...just misunderstood.

The Pickle (1993)
Geoffrey plays a vegetarian farmer from another planet named "Clem" in this movie about a film director who makes a REALLY bad film. Talk about life imitating art.

The Philadelphia Experiment II. (1993)
What if the Nazis had won World War II? Well, Geoffrey Blake as Logan would have been part of a resistance movement in an Orwellian post-apocalyptic America, that's what.

Forrest Gump (1994)
What planet are you from that you don't know anything about this movie? Geoff is amazing even if he does have only three lines- he plays Jenny's abusive hippie boyfriend, Wesley. I remember seeing this in the theater (excepting "Star Wars," the only movie I've ever paid for to see twice on the big screen) and thinking that if the character wasn't such a dickweed he'd be hot.

Dominion (1995)
Hunting trip from Hell. Geoffrey plays the part of Joel, the rookie partner of the main character (who's a cop). He gets trapped in a box, shot, and hit on the head. Gee, you'd almost think Emilio Estevez should be in this one.

Apollo 13 (1995)
Geoffrey is one of the techie type people in this film that chronicles the failed moon landing of 1970. I had to watch it twice to find him...he isn't in it for very long. You can see him once, about an hour and 40 minutes into the film, talking about trajectory and coming up shallow, and again maybe half an hour later. And he's got some hair issues. That's all I have to say.

The War at Home (1996)
As David, Emilio's cousin who didn't get drafted, Geoffrey acts alongside such notables as Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen, and Kathy Bates.

Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996)
This film is about the life of philanthropist Dorothy Day and her conversion to Catholicism after a career as a writer in Greenwich Village. Geoffrey plays Floyd Dell, a prominent figure in the Village during Dorothy Day's writer days (note: while writing a paper on birth control in the 1920's for one of my classes, I found quotes from Floyd Dell in one of my sources- and he seems like a pretty cool guy). This film also stars Martin Sheen and Moira Kelly.

Marshal Law (1996)
Geoffrey is a realtor in this disaster/action/thriller.

Contact (1997)
Jodie Foster as Dr. Eleanor Arroway, aided by helpful and geeky-yet-sexy Fisher (our man, who gets billing even above Rob Lowe) among other VLA workers, discovers life on another planet. Super excellent movie. Go rent it. If you see only one Blakefilm, this should be it, in my humble opinion. Then go get the book and read that.

Heaven or Vegas (1997)
Geoffrey plays Yasmine Bleeth's brother in this movie about prostitutes, cults, gigolos, ruby slippers, and Mormons. (Geoffrey as Yasmine Bleeth's brother? I swear one of them had to be the mailman's kid...)

Wag the Dog (1997)
This film stars Dustin Hoffman and Robert DeNiro and it is about a fictional war, staged to protect the president. Geoffrey is a political consultant they watch on one of those "Crossfire" type programs, and he's credited as "Media Guy #1."

Mighty Joe Young (1998) Geoffrey plays the part of "Vern" in this movie, one of the employees of the zoo where the big gorilla is kept. He wears a bad tux and cracks one-liners.

Ed TV (1999) Despite the resemblance, this Matthew McConaughey movie is not to be confused with The Truman Show. Geoffrey plays the part of "Keith," a staff member on the EDTV team. Watch for him to utter a profundity about checking out one's own ass.

Getting Personal (1999)
This film is an independent romantic comedy taking place in Boston. Check for it on Showtime or Cinemax, and, if you're lucky, in your local video store.

Rated X (2000) Geoffrey once again teams up with Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez for this indie biopic about two brothers who opened up a strip club. Although it would be really nice to see Geoffrey strip, It isn't that kind of strip club. He's just their lawyer.

Cast Away (2000) Geoffrey has a two-minute cameo as Tom Hanks' attorney in this film...what's with the lawyer thing? Is this some sort of curse of middle-aged random actors?

Recycling Hazel (???)
This screenplay was written by Geoffrey's wife, Marcia Christie. They're currently shopping it around. More details will be posted as I find them out.

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