Interesting Biographical Geoffrey Blake Facts

Unfortunately, I don't know a whole lot about Mr. Blake yet. I'm working on collaborating all of the information on the web to create the ultimate repository of Blakefacts, but for now here is all you're gonna get.

Geoffrey Blake was born on August 20, 1962. A lifelong theater buff who acted throughout his years at San Ramon Valley High School (in Danville CA), Geoffrey studied acting at USC and pledged the Sigma Nu fraternity there. His first role in a major motion picture was in the film "The Last Starfighter." Since then, Mr. Blake has made a name for himself in countless motion pictures, television series, commercials, and made-for-TV movies. He also does numerous voiceovers for radio and television ads. The most famous of these is the sega scream.

Mr. Blake has received a Screen Actors' Guild award for his performance in Apollo 13, and has been nominated for two Emmys- one for his production of "Words Up" and one for his performance in "My Past is My Own," apparently an Afterschool Special. As of the writing of this bio, his most recent project was the Tom Hanks film Cast Away.

Mr. Blake has been married to actress/writer Marcia Christie for 13 years. You may remember her as Emmy in Dominion or as Julie in The Sure Thing with Tim Robbins and John Cusack. (Lucky woman! She's married to my favorite and got to work with #'s 2 and 3!) The two are currently developing Marcia's screenplay, Recycling Hazel, which we will hopefully see on the big screen in the near future.

If you have any more information on this great actor, please don't hesitate to email me and I will add to this meagher biographical sketch. Extra special thanks goes out to Geoffrey Blake himself. Special thanks goes out to Chuck Douros, Jim Donnelly, the Internet Movie Database, the San Ramon Valley Times.

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