The Geoffrey Blake Worship Page

Welcome to the one and only, the always under construction, the ever-popular Geoffrey Blake Worship Page. You're visitor number to drop by!

Maybe you're already a big Blake fan, in which case, I'm glad you found others like you. Or maybe you have no idea who he is and you just cruise Yahoo! looking at all the random fan pages for some twisted reason. Well, for those of you who are of the latter variety, Geoffrey Blake is the man you see pictured below. He is a not-very-well-known actor who's done a whole lot of very well-known movies. This site seeks to further public awareness of Geoff (without treating him like a piece of meat as so many fan sites do for their objects these days) and provide a resource center for Blake info.

Please take note that although I wish I were, I am not in any way affiliated with Geoffrey Blake, Innovative Artists, or any film company. This site isn't endorsed by Mr. Blake or any of the various companies I've mentioned above, nor am I able to dispense information about how to contact them. Also, just to clarify, I'm not making any money off of this. Any of the images I have here are used for educational purposes only, and are mostly the property of large companies that I really hope will not sue me.

Want to see Geoffrey on TV this month? Click here!

Geoffrey Blake in Contact

Stuff on this page

Your input is very valuable to me. Please Sign the Geoffrey Blake Worship Page Guestbook and tell me what you think! Or, if you'd like, you can just take a look at other people's comments.

I am actively seeking whatever I can find about the man. Therefore, please send any and all Blake information and multimedia (i.e. pictures -especially pictures- sounds, and the like) to Jessica at I've got 11 megs, so I will probably put it up, whatever it is. Now, I check this address once a week so don't panic if you don't hear back from me right away. That's what one has to do when specializing in covert Geocities-defrauding operations...

This site was last updated on January 18, 2001!

A bit about me: I'm just a college student with a Gateway 2000 and a predilection for developing bizarre infatuations with background characters. That's all.

The banner graphics on this page were created using Adobe PhotoShop 4.0 for Win95. Most of the images in the gallery were captured with Adobe Premiere for Windows 95 and resized and converted with PhotoShop. All the HTML coding was done with NotePad. That's just in case you were curious.


Thanks to Geoffrey Blake himself for answering my email!!!!!!
Thanks to Jim Donnelly for the Lost and Found gossip and the extremely helpful general information.
Thanks to the Internet Movie Database for helping me figure out who "the cute guy in Contact" was.
Thanks to Amy of the Emilio Estevez page for introducing me to "Nightbreaker" and for more general info.
Thanks to Jenna for creating Stick Figure Blake Theater and for watching all the various Blake movies with me.

Listed Since 1998 - Link Directory I'm listed here too!
and here!

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