Lets have a look at what people had to say.

Gloria Dollarhyde - 11/09/00 00:16:05
My Email:LaaLaa_696914u@hotmail.com

I have watched this movie about 3 times and i LOVE it. I think that both of the guys are cute even though one is stupid. lol. I just hope that you can think of a sequal or something to this. well thank you for leting me sign your guestbook. I loved this movie.

Gloria - 11/09/00 00:13:22
My Email:LaaLaa_696914u


Olivia Dollarhyde - 11/09/00 00:10:23
My Email:olivia14u@hotmail.com

This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It was very interesting, and kept my full attention through the whole movie. I also think that Josh Schaefer is soooo HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! I would die if any guy stood under my window like he did (it wo ldn't matter if it was just for an hour but the whole summer would be nice).

Matt Peoples - 07/03/00 02:03:29
My URL:http://www.illimited.net/
My Email:lefty@shadowfire.org

I saw the movie on Cinimax. It was one of the funniest movies I've seen. It went were other movies wouldn't go and that's what really set it apart. I probably would have never watched it but I was flipping channels and landed on the beginning part with Keri and the sprinkler. I had to watch that movie then.

April - 04/10/00 00:20:29
My Email:alwayzfriends@yahoo.com

8 Days a Week was definitely the funniest movie I have ever seen and Joshua Schaefer is so cute!

Josh ORen - 03/15/00 23:11:59
My URL:http://Msnhomepages.talkcity.com/boomerst/joshie143/index.html
My Email:JoshOren@hotmail

This movie was so good. It's up there with one of my favorites. This is a good site. There should be links to other 8 days a week sites. Visit my web page please.

andy - 01/31/00 16:49:08

this film is brilliant and it was well worth staying up until 2.30am to watch.

inertia - 01/30/00 02:24:06
My Email:inertia@ucsd.com

I just watched 'Eight Days A Week' on Channel 5 in the UK. It was excellent.

steve - 12/23/99 19:56:03
My Email:wwfsteve@hotmail.com

Great Site!!! BUT it could use more pictures.

meg - 08/11/99 00:38:48
My Email:kessm@yahoo.com

does any one know where i can by the movie. It was so funny, It was out last week. Please let me know.

Dan The Man - 07/11/99 05:58:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shuttle/3051
My Email:bloodthirsty69@hotmail.com

Seen any good movies lately? Want to write a review? Visit my website!

Angela - 05/22/99 00:31:14

Hey Tim, I love you page!!! Especially the memoires of Poppy...Thank you.

Judy Brotman - 05/19/99 07:10:43
My Email:PWRenergy@aol.com

Funny movie, laughed alot, stays away from violence(for a change),simple dialog is down to earth...real, my son had a small part in the movie- he especially enjoyed working with Michael Davis, who just happens to be a delightful person!Movie needs more ex osure-hoping that this movie will be shown in more theatres around.

Mark Brown - 05/18/99 17:29:29
My Email:mb@westernunited.com

I too also had the opportunity to work in the film as one of her father's "Christian friends". While at the time I had no idea what the movie was about I was pleasantly surprised when seeing it for the first time at the cast & crew screening years ago. Ve y funny and witty.

Steven Brotman - 05/13/99 06:00:20
My Email:skillio99@aol.com

Not only did i see 8 days a week but i was a part of makeing it in the movie. i played a small part and it was alot of fun working with such a humorouse personallity, it was a great movie even though at the time i could not relate to it nore understand it anyway support it and go see it, it will be an experience for everyone..........

Amy Corr - 02/09/99 01:45:58
My Email:acorr@datasync.com

Good luck!

Neil Hassall - 11/09/98 13:39:48
My Email:ECA98NH@sheffield.ac.uk

Eight Days A Week rocks my world. Check it out or forever face an all consuming void in your life. Watch this film. Its the law! (By the way, the picture of Keri Russell in her swimsuit was much appreciated.

10/25/98 11:02:34
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/30/98 14:55:28
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Darcy HArrison - 05/29/98 16:34:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/4759
My Email:harrisond@phs.wrdsb.edu.on.ca

I've never seen eight days a week.........sorry

CarolineM - 04/27/98 19:39:46

I saw "8 DAYS A WEEK" in the US and after getting back here I talked Shawn into seeing it. It was the best comedy I saw at any film festival last year and I went to five different festivals. I hear Michael Davis also worked on the 9-1/2 Weeks sequel. I go ta talk Shawn into renting that some night.

jbd - 04/25/98 22:16:29

I think I'll go out and get me a watermellon!!

Tim Cossett - 03/07/98 03:28:08
My URL:http://www.anguish.org/~flint
My Email:flint!anguish.org

I hope you enjoy the page Shawn and I made, and that you have a chance to see Eight Days A Week.

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