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8 Days a Week

This is our series of fan pages for "8 Days a Week", likely the funniest movie you've never seen. We have a description of the film, some photos, background on the movie and the people involved in it, and some reviews. We've also got an electronic guest book in which we hope people who've seen the film will leave their comments.

The purpose of this page is to try to spread word about this movie so that more people will see it.

At present "8 Days a Week" has made the film festival rounds in North America (we saw it at the Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, Nova Scotia) but does not have a distributor. We got a hold of the writer/director and bugged him for copies but right now seeing this movie takes perseverance and luck. We hope these pages can convince you to make the effort.

So, sit back. Grab your popcorn, and follow the links to some information on one of the funniest movies we have ever seen.

-Tim Cossett and Shawn Young, December 1997

Synopsis of the movie. Background of the movie. Photos Michael Davis Reviews Credits

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Last updated: February 2nd, 1998.

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