Are happy TS is back on SCI-FI!!!!
OCT 18, 1999
HEY ALL!!! I'm back (sorta) and all I'm doing right now is some cleanup.
I'm hoping to get another mad-lib up soon...:-) and get some more links too...
There is a mailing list for...THE SENTINEL (what else?)
It's open discussion, and it's a whole lotta fun
Click to subscribe to guardians
Forum: This is just so that you can post comments about the eps. Come on you can do it!!! The Geniuses for the puzzles...There were more, but I couldn't you all up. :-( Sorry... Branaholics non-anon
Smart People The Second Genius Page
EVERYONE allthough The Sentinel is on The Sci-Fi channelSOS still needs help!
please show support!
Support Our Sentinel!!!! You know those sideburns that Blair had at the beginning of 3rd season? Well, I decided to see what you all thought about those things.
and I hope to get a new poll up soon Sanburg's SideburnsDAMP NOT DEAD, GUPPIES CAN'T DROWN!!!! I'm starting a Ga(r)ett corner. (there are going to be pics of Garrett Wang and Garett Maggart. NE1 have specific pics of either of them tell me!)
Sentinel links.(Not Many though...)
Babyheart's, Babysis's, and Kaci's FANFIC!!!
Other Links
Sentinel Web Forum: Please put up some Sentinel Comments! Rants
Whatever, just watch your language.
Thank you to anyone who comes here. Please e-mail me!
I need help!!! :-)
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