Folks ya gotta gimme some time on this one so i can get it up and running but until then just sit back and relax and enjoy the fragments that are here
To give you all a taste of what it hopefully will be like check this out
This page will frighten but there is help for us all at the end of the page
If you want to see something scarier than this (if you dare), click on
Cian here.Or
just visit
the madmans page
Or for all you porn freaks visit the dirt monger Marcus's page here
But I must warn you that some images can be even worse. Click
The BEST cook in the world hs to go to:
For all you doom lovers ,click here to link to an original screenshot
This woman is a goddess
This woman rocks
For those of you who wish to try and learn html heres a good guide
and go visit some of these cool sites
for a bit of crockett and tubbs
and a bit
of the shaper bond to finish