OK people just sit back and chill, if you happen to be trippin right about now then enjoy the background to this lil page.  Let me just say that you just surfed into one of the most funniest pages on the net. This page is dedicated to comedy, some of you readers might call it sick comedy but it's comedy none the less.  If you happen to be one of those peoples that don't like sick comedy then just jet on out of here.  If your not sure then take a walk with me on my side. I find humor in just about anything out there but I won't go to drastic measures to bring you comedy I'll keep it in somewhat of a tasteful level. Generally what I'll do is make fun of advertiesing characters and put them in different situations of lets just say what they are really about, just as my page states the "Wide World Of Truth." Ok so nuff' about the lil intro so lets laugh shall we?

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Please visit my guestbook since nobody want's to e-mail me and drop me a line for god's sake.  Don't sign and thee shall die, do it and thee shall receive from somebody else, not me, sexual fulfillment beyond thy comprehension. Heh just reading that makes me want to sign so I know you want to as well. =Þ