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Guestbook by GuestWorld

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Last Updated Tuesday, August 8, 1999.

Welcome to my website, Club Indy. This site is completely devoted to all things Indy. If you have something cool or neat that invoves indy, e-mail it to me, please! I need all the input I can get (send me articles, original artwork, information on collectibles, backgrounds...).

  • INDY FAN OF THE MONTH: Frederick Muller

  • QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "I don't know, I'll think of somethin'."

    If you want to your name as the Indy fan of the month, just think of a paticular quote you like and e-mail it to me with your name.

  • Please E-mail me with any questions, comments, etc.

    Guess what, there is a company in Japan that is making a NEW INDIANA JONES FIGURE! Yes you heard right, a new toy of are favorite hero. The price is a bit expensive, but its an awesome toy with a ton of accessories (like a hat, whip, idol, bag of sand, revolver...). Also in production is an arabian horse made so Indy can sit on it (it has wheels on the hooves so he can ride it, too). Just click below to find out more. AD1 AD2 These are the ads(in Japanesse).

    You are the person who has visited since March 13, 1998. Thanks for Coming!

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