Hi! Welcome to my Anne of Green Gable homepage, I hope you enjoy surfing the site! I'll try my best to update as much as possible! Please be patient! Also.please sign my guestbook before leaving this place! If you have any comments, don¡¦t be afraid to put it there.
This is the owner of this website!! I want to apologize for not updating for a long time. Well, you see, first of all, school got in the way for updating this site, so I didn't find the time to do it. Secondly, I lost my password, I know this sound stupid, alot of you probably would think, then how come she didn't set a new one. To tell you the truth, I don't really know. Thirdly, to tell you the truth, I've been plain lazy. Now, you know the truth, of why this site's been dead for at least 3 years.
Now, I probably do have some time to update this site. I'm a working woman now, but I still study during the weekend. But I don't need to study as much as before, less pressure for me. Yea!!! So that means, more time for this site. I'm kinda reorganizing this site a bit, so it might be messy. I do want to apologize for your inconvenience.