Jokes From Other People #8

Jokes From Other People

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The jokes contained on this page do not reflect the views of the creator of The Jokes Homepage nor are they intended to degrade other people. They are merely jokes intended for entertainment not to bash blondes, lawyers, nor people of different race or gender. If you believe these jokes to be offensives, leave this site, do not email me complaining. I don't hate anyone or group of people mentioned in these jokes. I only posted these jokes as a collection for others who can take these jokes lightheartedly.

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Yo mama's so fat, she sat on a penny and Abe's snot flewout.

Submitted by: Unknown

You might be a redneck if, your belt buckle has your name on it.

Submitted by: Unknown

What do get when you have a brunette and 2 blonde prositutes standing on a corner?
Regular price, 4 buck, & 4 bucks

Submitted by: Unknown

Did you know that they made a Bill Clinton computer?
It has a 6in. hard drive and no memory!

Submitted by: Becky

Yo mama, so stupid she got locked in the bath room and pissed in her pants

Submitted by: Unknown

Yo mama's so fat, when she went to the bathroom she had use an olympic size swimming pool.

Submitted by: Unknown

Yo mama's so fat, the only thing at the clothing store that fits her is the dressing room.

Submitted by: dud merritt

Yo mama's fat, when she walks her butt cheeks wiggle like 2 pigs fighting over a milk dud.

Submitted by: rodney

Why are guys urine yellow and semen white?
So they can tell if they are coming or going.

Submitted by: Melissa and Crady

Yo mama's so ugly, she has to buy 2 tickets when she goes to the zoo, one to get in and one to get out.

Submitted by: Unknown

What is the difference between men and government bonds?
Bonds mature.
What does a man consider a seven course meal?
A hot dog and a six pack.
How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? We don'tv know, it's never happened.
How does a man take a bubble bath?
He eats beans for dinner.

Submitted by: Baldeagle1998

What's the diffrence between a horse and a blonde?
A blonde doesn't usually crap in parades.

Submitted by: Unknown

What is a blonde's favorite nursry rhymne? Hump me Dump me

Submitted by: Hannah

You might be a redneck if...

you have a house that is mobile and 14 cars that are not.

Submitted by: Bob petrach

You are a redneck if your 1 year old son has more teeth then you.

Submitted by: Joe

Hit The Bottom Poopy
It's when you push and push and, the poopy never breaks or falls and hits the bottom of the toilet and then you can't do anything about it except push and squish it together until it touches your butt.

Submitted by: Dan Sluis

What do you tell a blonde with two black eyes?
Nothing, you already told her twice. p> Submitted by: George
Yo mama's so stupid, she handcuffed herself to the Grand Canyon protesting her crack was bigger.

Submitted by: Emery

You might be a redneck if, your mother keeps a spit cup at the end of her ironing board.

Submitted by: doug

You might be a redneck if...
you have been on TV 17 times describing what a tornado looks like.
your mother comes in the room and says "Ya'll come look at this before I flush it."

Submitted by: Cory Johnson

You might be a redneck if, your youngin's favorite bedtime story is "Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence!"

Submitted by: Dixie

Why is there lipstick stains all over the blonde's steering wheel?
She was trying to blow the horn!

What happened to the blonde who tried to blow up her husbands car?
She burnt her lips on the tail pipe!

Submitted by: Shanda

This is where you have to poopy for a long time and when you are done you can't walk.

Submitted by: John Daniels

Yo mama's head is so big, she doesn't have dreams, she has movies.
Yo mama's so fat, when she goes out in high heels, she comes back in flip-flops.

Submitted by: Adam Jandeska

What do you call a blonde with a dollar on her head?
All you can eat, under a buck.

Submitted by: Tamara

What goes clickity-clack BANK, clickity-clack BANG?
An amish drive by shooting.

Submitted by: jessica

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