Welcome to

I like certain stuff, and for some reason, I want to tell the world.
This is my web site. I think the title says it all. It's yet another web site, and it's by me, Scott. Like every other personal homepage on this monster we call the World Wide Web, I've created pages celebrating some of my favorite things. If you like the same things I do, you may find this site of interest. But probably not.
In my opinion (side note: I hate all those overused internet acronyms), the best television show ever created was "Mystery Science Theater 3000." I haven't been able to think of much anything clever or original to write in tribute to the show, but I've churned out a couple of things.
References to MST in unexpected places (updated occasionally)
One fan's tribute to the cancellation of the best darn cow-town puppet show
Outside link: Satellite News
Though I felt it was at its funniest somewhere around 1994, "Whose Line is it Anyway?" was still a funny show. And I took it upon myself to assemble capsules detailing every episode of the series shown on ABC. Since then, my plans devolved to simply episode transcripts and less. But they're still unique. I also created a "Whose Line" e-mail trivia game based on a popular game show. I haven't updated it in years.
DLiiA? episode capsules
"Whoser Wants to be a Millionaire?"
Outside link: Mark's Guide to "Whose Line is it Anyway?"
I've really gotten hooked on watching robots try to destroy each other. And I've noticed that there aren't any "BattleBots" fan sites (not that I could find, anyway). So starting with Comedy Central's season three, I'll be offering my highly opinionated reviews of televised "BattleBots" matches.
"BattleBots" in review
The Fans Judge
I'm a freak 'cause I love game shows. Go on, call me a freak. It doesn't hurt me anymore.
'Net Wheel of Fortune
This the "Other" section where I put anything that I create to amuse myself. You'll notice that it's currently empty. Chances are it'll be like that for quite a while.
E-mail me if you have something to say to me. As opposed to e-mailing me if you're just going to leave a blank message, I guess.
The majority of this site was designed on an 800×600 monitor using Netscape. Though it should look fine on Explorer and passable on different-sized monitors. Like you're going to change your screen settings just to view one page.
I first started this site on June 17, 1997. I then revamped the design on July 5, 2001. That's more for my information than yours.