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Hello!! Thanks for coming to my page. This page was created by Laura and dedicated to the blockbuster motion picture drama, "Titanic." While you are here, please sign my Titanicbook! Also, most of the images on this page (except the ones in my picture gallery) have been made by me or Beth Larkee so please do not take them! If I find any of my graphics on your page, you will be hearing from me!
You are Titanic fan number to visit this site since January 30th, 1998. Don't you feel special?
Thanks to everyone who has visited my site and helped me get my counter up to over 100,000 visits! Please tell your friends about this site!
Notice: Since I'm really not a fan of the movie anymore, I don't work on my page much. I will leave my page up, but I won't be updating it anymore, and I've stopped making graphics for Titanic sites. Thanks!
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© 1998 Laura Ostler