• Greetings! Welcome to The DF Continuum, my tribute to a great person. Hey... would ya' like to buy a monkey?

    The Danielle Fishel Continuum...

  • Welcome, my name is Dennis and I hope you enjoy my page. If you wish to know a little more back ground about me, please visit my home page: PoP You know you want some gum, so just do it.

    If you wish to view my page dedicated to something I enjoy doing greatly, poetry, with many various pieces by me, please visit The Poetry Continuum... : PoP

    This page is still under construction. Please feel free to e-mail me, ermac@qnis.net, with anything you want, comments, questions, suggestions or whatever: PoP

    If you don't know the awesome beauty of the wonderful actress Danielle Fishel, click on these two pictures, but be forewarned, you'll fall for her in an instant an' stuff: PoP PoP

  • Please go to the introduction page, for a background about what this page is about, and other information: PoP

  • Hey also check out this like NARLY news page, with news regarding... stuff, like Danielle, this page, and about me. PoP

  • To check out my page with dedicated poetry to Danielle, check out this page, because you want to :) : PoP

  • You know, it's a good idea to open a book and read, ya' know, I myself support that stuff, like to learn, and, am thinking, the best thing I can think about to learn, is about Danielle, so check out this page: PoP I bet there is, like, stuff about her on that page, oh yeah...

  • If you're just plain sick of this page or my corny humor, check out the Boomhaur page! : PoP

  • Well, untill next time, loyal William Shatner fans, hope you have a nice day, thanks for visiting my page.

  • Oh- and you KNEW there would be a Geocities link on here somewhere, so just get it over with: PoP Geocities PoP

  • Hey Danielle! If you're on here, I'd love to hear from you, this is to you:PoP take care.
    --DMM PoP