have reached the only webpage, to my knowledge, of any and all information
pertaining to:
this website you'll have the best first-hand knowledge, since I wrote it,
of myself. (pausing to think) Yeah that makes some sense. Anyhoo..you can
finally find out WHO I AM. Get to know me and understand
my interest in such FUNKY STUFF. Don't peruse the
web much? You can check out some of my choice WEBSITES.
They're not too bad, but you'll have to see for yourself. And, I couldn't
have done this without some help from all THE LITTLE
PEOPLE (he he he...just kidding). Click away, and begin your adventure.
You are number
in a line of visitors here since 12/10/97
that you care.....sign my guestbook!
If you're normal, then
is probably the first question to go through your mind
If you're
at all interested to find out what I look like, who I am, who some of my
close friends are, and other interesting facts about me...then do click
above. You can find out the most interesting
details about my earlier life, and what I plan to do in the future.
It's all there for your reading pleasure. But, don't stop here...check
out all the other fun stuff you can connect to here.
Some people tell me that
but I think it just determines personality and that's what makes us unique.
I've had
the same red hair all my life - of all the luck. When I was around the
ages of 5-12 years old women, at our church would always comment about
the color of my hair. Everyone has their own
unique differences and special skills. Hey, I want to be an actor (learn
about that by clicking above), so I need to find my special skills to be
noticed if I want to be hired for a new movie. I've discovered a couple,
but I don't know when making farting noises with your nose will come in
I don't surf the web much anymore, but these are some of
that I have enjoyed in the past for y'all.
In college
I wasn't very successful at finding a niche of friends, so I found entertainment
by surfing the web. Don't worry, I've seen the sun since. I don't really
surf anymore now, thanks to net-surfers anonymous
(plug!), but it's fun to check out some stuff every once-in-a-while. You
learn new things everyday.
I thought that I would be a nice guy and say
to all the people who have helped me along my journey of life.
go meet some of the people who have helped me get through life with such
pain and ease. If it wasn't for these people I wouldn't be the man I am
today. And, I'll explain why for ya, and I even have links to their personal
webpages. Who could ask for anything more? (pause) Don't answer that!
Comments and Suggestions are appreciated...
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Don't mind the weirdness of
this webpage, it is still under constrcution. Thanks for your understanding.
The finished product will be much better than this is now.