Halloween 98: An Original Screenplay by Justin Morris

Hey fellow Halloween fans! I'm Justin. I've been a fan of the Halloween series for about ten years now. John Carpenter's original is the best horror film ever made. I also really enjoyed Halloween II and Halloween 4, but I, as I'm sure many of you, feel that the last two sequels have been lackluster. The whole concept of Thorn has grown tiresome and I think it's time that the Halloween series gets back to basics - creepy atmosphere, well-drawn characters, and unconvoluted plots. In other words, I think the next Halloween should be along the lines of the first three pictures(we can't really count III, can we?) which emphasized style and suspense over gore.

For these reasons, I decided to quit griping about the series and write a sequel that would do just that. I got busy and have pounded out a screenplay that I think does justice to the original. I decided early on to drop the entire Thorn backstory and focus on suspenseful situations and credible characters. In my draft, I have kept the characters of Tommy Doyle, Kara and Danny Strode, and Jamie's baby, Steven. My script also includes the return of Hoffman and a brief cameo by Lindsey Wallace.

I have also tried to pay homage to John Carpenter's original masterpiece, as well as a few scenes I loved from the sequels. As you read, you will probably notice a few similarities to the original and also a number of injokes for the true fans.

So, here it is. If you decide to read my screenplay, I would appreciate it if you could email me when through and give me your opinion, thumbs up or thumbs down. Also, what you think the strengths and weaknesses are. And if Moustapha or Malek Akkad or anyone from Miramax/Dimension happens to wander by and would like to make an offer, please feel free! ;)

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