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Hair gel.

(Home of Testicle G., Chonk, and TurnTable SuckMyCockMasterOfYourSoul)

People have raised their voices in joyous dis-harmony

Update: NEW SONGS! I've added a new song called "Who Needs Pants, When You Got Love?" (Either Real Audio or MP3 format). And also a song called Godzilla by Chonk and Zack. Enjoy them (They are the ones below w/ the picture next to them).


We are now streaming our songs in Real Audio, so you don't have to download to hear them. Just click on the links and they should play within a few seconds. Enjoy!

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Hot Damn! What is this?Hello, and welcome to a page containing some of the funniest songs you will ever hear. Well...Maybe, not funny, but at least it will warrant a confused look or two from everyone of you. Goofy, bizarre, even perhaps "genius"; whatever you want to call them, remember, this eclectic blend of...ehhhhh, music came from the evil minds of two All-American teenagers.

Also, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, you will need to download Real Audio in order to hear these calls. Don't worry though, Real Audio is absolutely FREE and is used on other sound and music pages throughout the web! Click HERE to download it

So...Honk Your Gong, Sing-A-Long and Enjoy!

Contact Us at.... PinJunkie@aol.com and EvilBBQ@aol.com

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I Love You Mr. Bob Saget - Lyrics
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This song was inspired by my friend's sighting of Bob Saget. He swore he saw him standing in the teacher's lounge at school. So he went in and asked if he was Bob Saget and the guy said "Get the Hell Out!" We thought it'd be cool to write a song about Bob Saget, and we did. By the way, it turns out there's this new teacher at our school who looks "exactly" like Bob Saget. I have yet to see him though. This songs by PinJunkie@aol.com and absfzzl@hotmail.com

My Monkey Kingdom - Lyrics
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An inspirational song, straight from my soul (pinjunkie@aol.com). Basically, it's about enslaving monkey's and enjoying life's little rewards. Guarenteed to become a sing-a-long classic. Good old-fashioned camp fire fun. Ok, you may now download it.

Hair Gel

A song about....hair gel. Groovy sound effects, and as always, fun to sing-a-long too. Personally, I think there should be more songs written about hair gel. But who gives a damn what I think. Oh yeah, and you might want to turn up your volume a little bit. This song was written by none other than
Brian (aka Chonk)

Who Needs Pants, When You Got Love? - Lyrics
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The newest creation from the demented minds of PinJunkie@aol.com. This song introduces for the first time the sexy lead vocals of one Alan Sheinberg. Alan is the man who often helps write some of the lyrics to songs by PinJunkie@aol.com, but in this case almost all lyrics were written solely by him. Enjoy the song, and drop your pants! Alan's email address by the way is ABSFzzl@hotmail.com

Godzilla - Lyrics
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A great song by Cheap Blue Horn (Chonk & Zack). All about the monster who never could play in any reindeer games...By evilbbq@aol.com

Mi Oso Circo (My Circus Bear) - Lyrics

A great little song, written for my spanish class. Writing songs for Spanish class is a cheap and easy way to get an A. You should try it. Anyway, I suggest you read the lyrics while listening to it...otherwise you'll have no idea what I'm saying. The lyrics are in Spanish and in English. Enjoy! PinJunkie@aol.com

Yo Fat Momma - Lyrics
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A song about a boys love for a friend's mother. Another great song....sort of the B-side to My Monkey Kingdom. Enjoy! This song is written by PinJunkie@aol.com

Postcards and Sticky Letters
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A new spoken word file by PinJunkie@aol.com. About postcards, from far away places. Loads of laugh. This one will be featured on his new and upcoming album.


If you like shit, you'll love this song. By evilbbq@aol.com

People Don't Like, People Like You - Lyrics

This is a song me and my friend Alan (absfzzl@hotmail.com) wrote. "It's about all those annoying people in your life, who you just wanna smack and beat repeatedly" - Alan . One of my favorites.

Jibberish de Espanol

If you want to hear a beautiful song in spanish, don't listen to this. This is crap. This is weird. It sounds like Spanish, but it isn't. Please, whatever you do, don't be fooled. This is by evilbbq@aol.com

Locosimo (In My House)

A song off Chonks new album. Well...I'm not exactly sure what it's about...or even what the hell a "locosimo" is, but it's a cool song. Yeah, I smell a hit song. This one is by evilbbq@aol.com

Please Don't Die
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This song was written for PinJunkie@aol.com's girlfriend when she was sick (Minus some of the added lyrics about looking bad...) We snuck over and sang it outside her window. Lots of screaming.... It's not exactly Shakespeare...but it's the thought that counts...right?

Muy, Muy, Caliente - Lyrics

Se Habla Espanol? Here's another spanish song for all of you. This one is all about that wonderful hunk of man...Fabio. Que guapo! Read the lyrics for translations and stuff. Enjoy! This song is by PinJunkie@aol.com

The Monkey Blues

This is an old...old song I wrote on the harmonica a long time ago...It's about some guy we know. Oh yes, very bluesy. By PinJunkie@aol.com

Hoo Haw!

An interesting song written not by me...but the other CranKing.. Brian (evilbbq@aol.com). I guess that proves I'm not the only musical talent in the family...This song is awesome...I love the ending. If you notice, the singing voice is very similar to Soupi (Hiroki), the guy from all the sushi calls. So, Sing-A-Long...if you can stand it!


A song called Dicky. About Chonk's friend named...Dicky. A biographical song about a man with a unibrow. By evilbbq@aol.com

My Friend Todd

A spoken word sort of thing. Think....Police Interrogation. Yeah, that's sort of what it is. Very funny, very sad :-( This is by evilbbq@aol.com

Hood Juice

An evil little improv song. You can tell...not much thought went into the making of this one. By evilbbq@aol.com

Screaming Punk

This is a great song! I've never heard anything like it. And no...it's not just screaming, it's an actual song by evilbbq@aol.com. I'm loving it every time I hear it! Plus, an added fight scene at the beginning of the song!

One Nut McGee

A pleasant song about the sad life of a man with one nut. Great fun to sing-a-long to. By PinJunkie@aol.com Enjoy!

I Still Love Ya

A beautful song about a bear in love. Actually....it's sung by a bear that's in love....What a sexy voice. This song is by evilbbq@aol.com

There's No Money in Rock and Roll - Lyrics

Hmm....maybe music isn't the thing for me in life. This song is a list of some of the other ways I can make lots of money. This song was written by PinJunkie@aol.com

This Song Only Has One Note

Well, since PinJunkie@aol.com wrote a song about "one nut" I guess evilbbq@aol.com wrote a song about "one note". This song may only have one note, but there are lots of cool song effects going on. Very cool. As I said before, this is by evilbbq@aol.com

Dead Waltz

A beat track by evilbbq@aol.com. Go ahead and rap to it, if ya like!

Summertime Rap for the Honeys

I think we'd get capped in the ghetto for blastin' this shit, yo! By PinJunkie@aol.com

Hot Damn! It's Wah!

(PinJunkie@aol.com). As you can probably hear, it's not the greatest song in the world, but fun to sing-a-long with. Enjoy! Email me if you have any comments.....This was the first song on the CranKings' Sing-A-Long page.


This is a nice little improv song. I especially like the yelping in the background...nice touch. By evilbbq@aol.com

Gargle and Spit

Whoo hoo! I don't really think there is a lyric in this song....just a bunch of melodic moaning. And the gagging at the end is always a nice effect. This song was written by Chonk (evilbbq@aol.com)

Boom Boom

Say hello to Zack, The world's whitest rapper! This is a song written by Brian (evilbbq@aol.com)and his friend (Brian's doing all the sound effects). It's funny and very catchy. Come now, Sing-A-Long!

Crank Call of Wah!

This is a prank call my friends and I did with the song "Hot Damn! It's Wah!". It's actually very funny.....especially when she keeps asking us to repeat ourselves......

You can use the above graphic if you want to do a banner trade. It's small, and quick to load. So if you're interested, please e-mail me at PinJunkie@aol.com

Links to Other Great Pages:

- A page loaded with some of the funniest prank calls you will ever hear. Literally hours of material to hear. You'll never have to leave. More fun than a drunken dog on a coon hunt.

- The official site of a cool cable access TV show. Come here to see how it's all done.

- A new site dedicated to video games. It gets better and better everyday.

- This site is great! There are tons of crazy postcards to look at. From all eras and all places. Go ahead and take a look, you'll laugh your ass off.

Copyright © 1998 by The CranKings
All trademarks or product names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

Page first constructed and released on 7/16/98